Ten - High On Painkillers

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It turns out that I had sprained my wrist really bad and I had to get it tightly wrapped in a bandage.

"So, how did you do this again?" Emma asked. Dan had taken me back to his flat and Emma had came over half an hour after me. Turns out she just had a cold, not a serious illness like I originally thought.

"I tripped whilst getting off a lion at Trafalgar Square and then getting off the London Eye I tripped again. I landed on my wrist funny. Dan made me go to the doctors and I had to get this bandage. Then we came here and we've been playing Monopoly. By the way Dan, it's your turn to roll." Dan picked up the dice and rolled a total of 8. After moving the car forward he bought the property and handed over £100 to the bank (me).

"Right. And how long do you have to wear it for?"

"Um...don't know. Until it stops hurting, I guess." I picked up the dice and rolled 12. I moved my piece (pizza) forward. I landed on the train station and moved forward to the one on the other side of the board (I had bought the other and you move between them). Dan went to pick up the dice but I slapped his hand with my good one.

"No, I rolled a double. I get to go." Dan pouted but let me grab the dice and roll again. I rolled a 5 and moved the pizza forward. I landed on one of Dan's properties and Dan did a little celebration dance.

"Oh Dan, you're such a little kid."

"Yeah, so what?" He stuck his tongue out at me, proving my point further.

"Emma!" I whined. "Dan poked his tongue at me."

"And what do you want me to do?"

"I don't know." I chucked the dice at Dan's head. He went on his hands and knees to retrieve them and I took this as my time to strike. I stood up and clambered onto Dan's back.

"What are you doing, Elysa?"

"Giddyup horsie." I giggled.

"Alright, first Elysa is going on your back, second she's pretending your a horse, and now she's giggling. Something's up." Emma deduced. I giggled again and told Dan to go to the kitchen.

"And don't forget to neigh." I commanded and giggled again.

"Did the doctor give her pain medication?" Emma asked, Dan nodded and neighed. I clapped my hands together.

"That explains it."

"Explains what?"

"No more questions, horsie. Get to the kitchen." Dan took me to the kitchen and I said hello to Phil.

"Why are you on Dan's back? And why is Dan neighing?"

"Because he's my horsie."

"Ah, of course. Is he a good horse?" I nodded and smiled widely. I stroked Dan's hair. It felt like silk underneath my fingers.

"That's good. Need anything?"

"Do you have biscuits?" Phil handed me a shortbread biscuit and I gobbled it up.

"Alright Dan, back to the lounge."

In the lounge Dan quickly rolled my off his back so that I was underneath him and started tickling me.

"No, Dan. No! Bad, horsie. Bad. Stop!" I shrieked but no matter what, Dan continued to tickle me. That is until I hit him in the stomach. He stopped and looked into my eyes.

"Oh, you really didn't want to do that." He growled menacingly and I giggled. Dan picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, my face in his butt. "Enjoying the view?"

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