Phoenix Drop

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You finally made it just outside of Phoenix Drop... Just a few more paces and you would be at the Wall. You could see it in the distance. You were worn out and tired. It was a day and a half journey and you hadn't slept. As you were getting closer to the Gate a guard was in your way.

You stopped and waited for him to say something.

"Hello, are you here to see Phoenix Drop?" said the guard.

He had such a deep, soothing voice. It kind of felt peaceful. You could tell he wasn't looking for a fight.

"Well, I am a refuge and was hoping to live in a village. My name is (y/n)" You said trying to sound as friendly as possible. All you had was a wooden sword so fighting wouldn't do you good. "May I speak with the lord? Or..." You were cut off.

"Yes, you may speak with Lord Levin I will let you in Phoenix Drop, follow me." The guard said.

He opened the gate and when you looked at Phoenix Drop it was so peaceful. It was almost like it was calling your name and telling you "This is your home" .

The guard seems to notice you look very happy. You were so into the peace that you didn't realize he was getting your attention.

"S-sorry, I just haven't seen a place so peaceful in, mostly my hole life..." You said.

"It is okay... I just wanted to ask, did you come from a different village? If so which one?" The guard asked.

Oh great... This is where my trust is broken and I am banished from this village... "Actually I cam from Okasis... Umm... It has been a chaotic few months since Tu'La took over and umm... They would execute me if they found out I was there... Because  they make you pay monthly taxes along with your house bills and... *you gulp* I didn't have money, no money meant no... house..."

"T-that's horrible..." the guard said somewhat heart broken like. "I--" he stops... *he sighs* "Nevermind what I was about to say... I am now going to take you to Lord A-Levin..."

It sounded like he almost said a different name. Perhaps the lord gave up their place for their son?

Guard's POV (I know I said I wouldn't do this but I was so tempted D:)

Why does this lady look so familiar? Maybe I have seen her before or she resembles an old friend... That name also rang a bell... What was it? Oh right it was (y/n)...

Your POV

You approached the Lord's house... The guard knocked on the door... Then out of no where another guard showed up.

"Levin is out by the explosion... Trying to figure out how to patch it..." said the blue haired guard.

"O-Oh... Umm is Aphmau around? She isn't a lord but she--" he was cut off.

"Used to be? She is at her old house..."

"Oh... What a welcoming area to this new arrival..." The guard said with a way that you couldn't describe.

"What do you mean by that?" You said... "I mean that sounded rude um, sorry..."

"No offense taken it is just... That part hasn't been touched in about 15 years..." said the guard.

"Why?" You asked...

"That is a LONG story..." the guard managed to pull out of his tongue.

You and the guard walked on... As you passed by you saw the run down overgrown forrest and the town ruins... This looked like something that they were repairing but why after 15 years!!!

You came up to a purple house...

*the guard knocked on the door and was answered by a lady with dark hair and brown eyes* "Aphmau... Levin is checking the... the explosion and we have a new arrival."

When you looked into her eyes you saw tiredness and pain... It looked emotionally pained...

"Oh that's great! The more the merrier!" Aphmau said almost sounding as if something just bit her.

The guard whispers to you... "She has just gotten over a loss. She may look a little off right now."

You walk in.

"Hey..." Aphmau says looking at the guard. "You wanted to talk after this?"

"Uhh... Yes actually. I was going to ask you something important." replied the guard.

"Can you just tell me now?" Aphmau asked.

"... I-I would r-rather not... It is something that is well..."

"You don't have to tell me now... What you want to share is what you want to share, Garroth."

After she said that you stared at the guard with your eyes wide with suprise. Was he the Garroth you knew?!

They both looked at you...

"Umm... Are you okay?" Aphmau asked sounding concerned.

"Y-Yes... Your name is Garroth?" She said looking at the guard.

"Yyyyyeeessss... Is that a problem?" Garroth asked.

"N-no! Not at all it is just I used to be friends with a Garroth... He was the lord of Okasis's son before he ran away... I would have come with him but it would risk me dying...

"WAIT! WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!! *he yells your name* YOU LOOKED FAMILIAR! I THOUHT I WAS JUST A COINCIDENCE! YOU ESCAPED!!" He throws his helmet off and hugs you..

While all this is happening Aphmau just stares overwhelmed with what just happened.

(sorry this is so long DX I was gonna make it shorter and got carried away)

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