The Incident

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After the moment when you and Garroth met again you decided to look around the place... You decided to take a short walk in the woods. When all of a sudden you saw bandits... A few seconds later you felt sudden pain in your leg fell to the ground and felt pain in your head. You woke up and were in a camp all alone... It seemed to be a bandit camp. There was an arrow through your leg. Luckily for you they left you alone.

*You scream as loud as you can. Then you scream and yelp again because you touched your wound on accident.*

A few minutes later the vision around you was turning black... You were loosing lots of blood (A little gruesome sorry) Then Aphmau, Garroth, and someone with brown hair came in your sight. You started coughing because the rope was tight around your waiste and throat. You slowly saw blackness surround you.

Garroths POV

I saw (y/n) and told Aphmau and Laurance. I ran to Phoenix Drop while Aphmau and Laurance investigated further. I saw (y/n)'s eyes open but were slowly closing. She started breathing irregularly. I ran faster screaming "HELP".

Your POV

You saw Garroth pick you up then you blacked out. It was getting harder and harder to breathe.

You woke up in a bed... You didn't know where you were... You sat up looking around... Your whole body aced. Garroth was waiting by a chair next to you and ran to your side.

You noticed he was there and looked up. You remembered everything. You coughed a little. Your breathing was still odd but more calm. You took off the blankets and looked at your leg.

*You moaned, you didn't mean to but it just hurt everywhere*

"Are you okay?!" Asked Garroth sounding like he might collaspe from worrying.

"Well... Besides my leg and the acing all over my body and escpeccially my head I am... You paused, you had suddenly ran out of breath. You breathed heavily and said "Fine" as you sighed while saying so.

"I think I should get a doctor..." Garroth said.

"Okay..." You gritted your teeth with pain... Garroth had seen that... "I-I..." Suddenly it felt as if something was squeezing your throat you gasped the air and struggled to breath.

I thought I just got hit in the head and shot in the leg? What is making me breathe like this?!

Garroth looked at you and ran faster yelling "DOCTOR!!"

You looked around and started coughing like crazy making it even harder to breathe... Then you suddenly stopped breathing. 

"The doctor is coming in a few minu-" Garroth walked in the room and saw you limp, and not breathing.

Garroth's POV

I looked at (y/n) and saw her lifeless on the bed. I ran to her and put my ear to her chest seeing if she was breathing... She wasn't. He had one choice to keep her alive. Give her CPR.

I opened her mouth and gave her CPR... She started breathing again.

I saw the doctor staring at me...

"I-It wasn't what it looked like! Sh-She stopped b-breathing! She would have d-d-died!" Garroth quickly stated before the doctor assumed anything.

"It is all right... Now let me check on her


Garroth had been waiting for 2 days for a report. The doctor finally came out.

"She is able to come out now... I found out why she couldn't breathe. She has a broken leg though, and is a bit dizzy from the head injury. She is going to be on a wheelchair. I don't know who is going to push her but-" She was cut off.

"I will push her..." Garroth said.

"Alright then... Here she is"

Your POV

You saw Garroth and he grabbed your wheelchair.

"Hey..." You started coughing... "Garroth..." You said with a little bit of a sore throat.

"Hey (y/n)" He replied.

"How long has it been since I was put in the clinic" Your voice sounded like a rough jagged stone being scraped against a hard surface.

"Only 2 days. We also have a house for you... Would you like to see it?"

"OF COURSE I WOULD!" You tried to say excited but pushed to hard on your voice.

Somewhat short sorry... I need to think about what I want to happen next D: I am coming up with most of this as I go...

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