Royal Fuck

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Ryan invited me to this little party he's having at his house tonight. I haven't known him long, I just helped him edit a few videos. But I agreed to go, because what else would I have to do on a Saturday night? Hmm. What should I wear? I decide to just stay casual. Ripped jeans and my favorite red top. I look in the mirror and see the disaster that is called my hair. Pony tail it is then. I walk out of the house and hop into my black truck. She might not run as good as she did, but ol' reliable has always gotten me where I've needed to be.

-time skip to party-

I walk up to the door and I hear music and lots of chitchatter. I knock on the door so quietly I don't think anyone heard. But to my surprise a tall skinny blond opened the door
"Hey. I'm Mackenzie. Um. Ryan invited me.." I awkwardly greeted as he stared at me.
"Oh right of course. He told me he invited you. I'm Matt, his best friend and roommate." He reached out his free hand for me to shake while the other one held a red solo cup. We shook hands and then he opened the door wider to let me in. I look around the room and notice a few of the people there were recording a video and doing some kind of challenge while everyone else was having a good time. There is more people than I expected there would be.
"There's drinks on the counter and Ryan's over there doing the ping pong challenge. I'll let him know you're here" Matt says and I nod as he begins to walk away. I go to the kitchen and see a large selection of drinks. I don't drink very much but I decided that tonight I'm going to have some fun. Live a little. I tell myself over and over again in my head.
"Choose your poison" a deep raspy voice comes up from behind me. I turn around and see a muscular figure standing against the counter. He has red hair and dark brown eyes. He's holding a solo cup too and grinning at me. Say something.
"What do you suggest?" I ask giving him a polite smile back.
He looks up and thinks for a moment "Hmm.. Depends on how much fun you want to have tonight." He laughs as we walks towards me.
"I'm Mark." He stands on the opposite side of the island countertop.
"Nice to meet you Mark, I'm Mackenzie. And I want to have plenty of fun tonight."
We both giggle and he takes the cup from my hand and begins to pour a mixture of a few drinks.
"I call this one the 'Royal Fuck'" he giggles as he hands it to me. "Try it." And so I do. Ack. Oh god what is in this. This shit is strong. Hold it together. I try not to make any facial expression as a take a big gulp. "It's uh. Good?" I reply not sounding convincing at all. He laughs. And his laugh fills the room with warmth. Or maybe that's the alcohol burning in my stomach.
"Hey, you said you wanted to have 'plenty of fun tonight' didn't you?" He raises an eyebrow at me.
"That is true. What about you?" I ask as I take another gulp.
"Yeah I'm having fun tonight. That's my second Royal Fuck." He finishes his drink off and tosses it in the trash.
"Second?! I don't think I'll be able to finish my first." I say laughing at myself.
"Do you want to see something?" He asks looking at me from behind over his shoulder.
"Sure" and I follow him, very confused. He leads me to the second floor and opens the a door from the 2nd to last room on the left. We walk in and I see a computers,mics,monitors, and sound proof padding on the walls. Mark takes a seat in a computer chair and points at a small chair next to him for me to sit in.
"This is your set up?" I ask, confused at why he is showing me this. Guess he's one of Ryan's roommates too.
"It is. Every day, two videos a day. I come here and play video games." He stares into space for a few minutes. "To try to brighten millions of people's days. Isn't that crazy? You know I could have been an engineer." He stares blankly at his computer monitor.
"Do you think being an engineer would have satisfied you?" I ask as I take another gulp of poisonous juice.
"No. I love what I do." He looks at me now. I blush not knowing what to say.
"So you're roommates with Ryan and Matt?" I break the silence with a change of topic.
"Yeah. I didn't know you knew them?" He leans back in his chair and stretches his arms up and his shirt pulls up a bit with it.
"Uh.. Yeah. Um." Stop looking and talk. I say in my head and look back up at his face and he smiles at me. Great now he's noticed. "Ryan was the one who invited me." I blurt out, finally finishing my sentence.
"Oh. Are you guys like a thing?" He questions me.
"Oh no no. Um nothing like that. I just helped him with a couple of videos." I say slightly embarrassed. He smiles then bites his lip for a second.
"Good" he replies with that same smile on his face. He leans in very close to me and puts his lips on mine. Oh. My. God. The kiss becomes more heated and he stands up, picking me up with him, places my back against the soundproof padding and starts kissing my neck. Tiny moans of pleasure escape from my mouth and that only motivates him more.
"I uh.. Don't normally do this" I confess. He stops. He backs away slowly. Stupid stupid stupid, why couldn't I have just kept my mouth shut?
"I don't either. Do you want to?" He asks looking at me.
YESYESYESYESYES my mind is going crazy. Come on spit it out!
"Yes" I reply blushing at him. He turns away and walks. What? did I ruin it? Fuck. Good going Mackenzie. He walks back towards me and hands me my cup.
"Finish it" he demands. I take the cup from him and chug it. He waits until I'm finished with it then throws the cup on the ground. He starts kissing me again. Deep and heated. My mind is foggy but the alcohol is making me want him. He starts kissing my neck again and his hands are exploring my body. He started playing with my bra strap trying to get it unhooked. When he does he tosses it. With one hand he grabs my breast under my shirt.
"Let's go to my room" he whispers in my ear. I nod and follow up to the next room.

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