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Mackenzie's POV
Today is the day! Our first date. I'm nervous. Why am I nervous? Mark said he was going to come pick me up at 7. I should make a few videos while I have time. I've decided to play Subnautica, because a lot of people were suggesting it.
"Hello guys! It's BackToTheMoonMack, and today I'm going to be playing a game that you all suggested. Subnautica." I talk into my webcam as I play the game while dying every few minutes. I made sure the camera angle was only my face, I'm not sure how Mark and I want to tell the whole internet yet so I don't want to leak any spoilers. After recording a few videos I look at the time and realize that it's five. Time to start getting ready. I shower first then dry my hair. Ooo, my hair looks nice and wavy. So I leave it down. Now what do I wear? He hasn't given me any idea to what we are doing. I found a pair of cute ripped up jeans so I throw those on. As I dig deeper into my closet I find a low cut, navy and white striped tank. Looking good. Now for shoes. I slip on my white high top adidas. I bring a cropped leather jacket, just in case it's cold. I check the time again and it's 6:30. I guess I can try to do some make up. I attempt to do a winged eye liner, I messed up a little on my left side but I fixed it with a q-tip. I also put on mascara and a light eye shadow on top. Damn I've never gotten this dressed up for a date. I sit on the couch and wait for Prince Charming to come take me away.
*knock knock*
I jump up off the couch and run to the door, I take a deep breath before turning the knob. I open the door to reveal a very handsome Mark. He has his hair messy, yet contained. He's wearing a tight pink graffic tee with regular jeans and a pair of vans.
"Hey" he says with a smooth tone.
"Hey." I reply trying to not sound nervous.
"Pack a bag." Mark says.
"Why?" I question.
"I need your help with something tomorrow" he answers. I let him in and and go pack a small bag.
"I don't usually go home with a guy on the first date" I tease and it makes him laugh.
We get in the car and he has the windows rolled down so both our hair is getting crazy.
"So where are you taking me?" I look over and admire him.
"You'll see" he gives me a sly smile and turns his attention back on the road. He turns up the radio and Adele's song Hello begins to play and Mark starts singing at the top of his lungs. I start laughing so hard that tears come out of my eyes. He even does a sassy dance the whole time, like he's performing at a concert. Before I know it we both are singing every song that plays on the radio, and it's fun. We pull up to a parking lot and all I see is a very brightly lit up Ferris wheel.
"The fair?" I ask.
"Yeah. I thought it'd be fun." Mark answers as he gets out of the car and before I can open my door he comes around the side to open it for me. Such a gentleman. I take his arm as we walk up to the board walk.
"Mmm, do you smell that?" I take in all the delicious smells.
"Haha yeah, what do you want to eat?"
"Corn dogs, with funnel cake." Being pregnant is weird. Because I usually don't eat a lot of fried foods but after smelling it, that's all I wanted.
"Sounds good" we walk up to tent and order our food, when it's done we take it and sit at a table over looking the ocean.
"Wow it's so pretty" I state as I can't help but stare into the ocean.
"Yeah she is." Mark says while looking at me, then I realize that he was implying me and I blush.
"I hate the ocean" he admits and my jaw drops.
"What why? How could you hate the ocean?" I demanded answers.
"It's just big and undiscovered." He admits.
"I wanted to be a marine biologist." I laugh as I confess and he laughs with me.
"Why didn't you?" He asks.
"I wanted to make a difference in the world. Brighten people's day. Talk to people who are going through a rough time. I don't know. I fell in love with YouTube." He stares at me interested. He's a good listener.
"Me too." We both smile at each other as we finish the last bites of our food. "Let's go play some games" he suggests and I follow him. We first play a 'get the ring on the bottle' game, which I was better at.
"I'm going to get you on the next one!" He threatens and I chuckle.
"We'll see" I taunt back. The next game we play is one where you have to knock down the clowns with a ball.
"Win me that" I say pointing up to this huge, stuffed, pink octopus. Mark gives me a 'seriously how the hell am I supposed to win you that' look. But he continues to try and to my surprise he knocks down all the clowns.
"Pick your prize" says the man behind the booth.
"The lady would like the pink octopus please" he puts his arm around me as the man hands me the stuffed plush.
After we play a few more games we walk down to the beach and walk along the shore.
"I did not wear the right shoes for this" I complain as sand gets into my shoes.
"Are you having fun?" Mark asks and I can't help but smile really big. He cares!
"Yes!" I exclaim a little too loudly. "Are you?" I question.
"Of course" he stops walking for a moment and I turn towards him with a confused face. He grabs both of my hands and looks at me with a more serious look. "Mackenzie would you honor me by being my girlfriend?" He says with a huge glowing smile on his face.
"Yes!!" I wrap my arms around him tightly and he picks me up and spins me. He doesn't put me down, he carries me back to the car.
We get back to the house and Mark offers that I can sleep with him in his bed and I agree. I mean why not? Mark leaves to change into his pajamas in the bathroom as I change in his room. I'm wearing a tight black tank top that shows my showing belly with my black yoga shorts. Mark comes back wearing white basketball shorts and a sleeveless dinosaur tank. Chica runs in the room after Mark and goes up to sniff the pink octopus that is sitting near her bed. I climb into the bed as he finishes getting ready for bed.
"What do you want to watch?" Mark asks as he grabs the remotes.
"Doesn't matter." I start moving pillows around to try to get comfortable. He turns on the tv and climbs into bed. He sits up reading the guide menu trying to find something to watch. He ends up turning on Spy Kids.
"Oh my gosh. I used to think I was going to be a Spy Kid." I announce excitedly and he laughs.
"Didn't we all?" He lays back now. The urge to be closer to him becomes stronger than ever. He's your official boyfriend now. I remind myself. But you don't want to seem too clingy. The other half of me argues. So I just stay really still. Mark leans back up to take his glasses off. Damn he's perfect. Before lying back down he makes eye contact with me and smiles.
"Can I kiss you goodnight?" He asks politely.
"Mhm" I put my arm out and pull him closer to me and he gives me a sweet tender kiss. I feel a weird flutter feeling in my stomach. Not like butterflies, I can't put my finger on it.
"Oh my god!" I come to the realization.
"What? What's wrong?"
"I felt the baby!" I place both my hands on my stomach and Mark's face lights up.
"Really?!" He places his hand on my stomach too.
"Yes!" Chica jumps up on Mark to see what all the excitement is about.
"Whose a good Chica girl" Mark starts petting her. "You know you won't be the baby for much longer" he tells her and it makes me smile big. After a few minutes Mark tells Chica to go lay back down on her bed and he scoots closer to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders causing me to lay on his chest. I never want this night to end.

One night that lasts forever Where stories live. Discover now