Sushi Bite

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A/N: please send baby names please. You can send them on here or my kik. stevi_eann_

Mark's POV

"Hello everybody my name's Markiplier and today I'm joined with someone you may know by BackToTheMoonMack, or as I know her, my girlfriend." I pause for a moment and smile at her. "Yes, that's right, a girlfriend. Someone who actually likes me. But that's not the only news we have." I look into the camera with a goofy smile.
"We're pregnant!" We simotanuously yell.
"And to get us ready for parenthood, we are going to play some simulation games. Because that's what's going to get us prepared. Okay the first game we are going to be playing is called Diaper Change Simulator 2000." On this game we each take turns trying to change the diaper in the shortest amount of time.
"Oh gosh this is harder than it looks!" Mackenzie yelps as she tries to beat my score. We both bust out laughing when she clicks the wrong button and restarts the whole level. "Okay moving on, the next game we have is called Parent Simulator. On this game we take turns trying to keep the baby happy. She was better at this game than I was.
"Oh boy this is stressful!" I cry out.
"Oh just wait for it!" She laughs at me. We play a few more games and when we're done Mackenzie leaves the room leaving me to talk to my fans.
"Alright everyone, I know all of this is coming as a shock to you guys, and believe me, it did for us too. But, I'm happy. We're happy. Really happy-" I sincerely smile thinking about what the future holds. "-and I'm going to be a dad. That's so exciting. And yes, I will still be at PAX this weekend so I hope to see everyone there! And I will see you.. In the next video. BUH BYE" I say my outro and I get straight into editing.
"I forgot to get my PAX ticket. I told my followers months ago I would be there this year. But I forgot." Mackenzie pouts as she comes in the room. I give her a sly smile.
"I can pull a few strings." I try to comfort her and her face lights up.
"Thank you" she gives me a small hug.
"Oh by the way! Jack or Sean, whatever you want to call him, will be here in a couple days." I almost forgot he was flying out here for PAX.
"Oh okay great. Can't wait to meet him." She gives me a big smile and exits the room.
I must have made 100 calls, but finally I was able to get Kenzie a ticket. I honestly didn't know she'd be very interested in going, but I'm glad she is.

Mackenzie's POV
-time skip: a couple days later-

Mark and I are on the way to pick up Sean from the airport. Here we are again singing in the car, we really should do a duet.
"What's the matter?" I noticed that Mark stopped singing after a while.
"Nothing. You just have a really beautiful voice" he compliments me with an adorable smile on his face.

After we get home with Sean, Mark goes to put his luggage in the guest room.
"Big fan of your channel." Sean says as we take a seat in the living room.
"Oh thank you so much, that's an honor coming from you. I didn't know you knew I had one." I reply being modest.
"Oh yeah, Mark showed me your channel about a year ago." He sits across the room from me.
"Oh that's weird. Are you sure it was Mark who showed you?" Mark never said that he knew who I was when we met.
"Yeah, if I remember correctly it was last year's PAX when he showed me tons of your videos." He answers. Before I could respond Mark comes running down the stairs.
We eat lunch and wait for Matt and Ryan to come home. The whole time Mark and Sean are constantly making me laugh, they are so funny together. When we finish lunch we all head to the living room to watch something on tv. Mark and Sean start play fighting over something really stupid.
"Septiplier?" I speak up and they both freeze and look up at me giving me very confused faces. "What? You don't think I've read the fanfic?" I ask laughing at them while winking, and making them bust out laughing.
"Oh god!" Sean yells as he sits down in the recliner.
"Didn't know you were into that" Mark asks sitting close to me with a raised eyebrow.
"Well you'd be surprised at what I'm in to." I taunt biting my lip.
"Oh gosh. Please take this in another room. I'm feeling a little 3rd wheelish!" Sean makes a barfing noise. Ryan and Matt come into the house at the perfect time. "Finally! Some normal people!" Sean stands up and greets them.
A few hours later Mark drives me home so that they can have guys night. I was actually pretty excited to be back at my house because it feels like it's been forever.
"You know in a couple of week's we'll be able to find out if it's a boy or a girl." I announce.
"I know. I'm so excited." He places his hand on my knee while he drives. When we get there he walks me to my door, gives me a small kiss and we say our goodbyes. I immediately change into some comfortable clothes, plop on the couch, and resume my much needed Greys Anatomy.

Mark's POV.
The guys and I all meet at the sushi restaurant down the road. We all catch up and think of new ideas for videos and all around just have a fun time.
"You didn't tell me it was her" Jack takes a swig of his beer.
"Oh I didn't know you'd remember her." I lie looking down.
"Of course I'd remember her. You wouldn't stop talking about her for like a month." He stares at me now.
"She doesn't know that I knew." I confess feeling red in the face. Both Matt and Ryan are trying to put the puzzle pieces together.
"Yea obviously." Jack says chuckling.
"You told her" I ask, now feeling guilty.
"On accident. I didn't know it was a secret." He puts his beer down.
"Oh shit." I rub my hand on my forehead.
"You really like her." Matt chimes in.
"Speaking of that. I need help.." I'm pleased with the change of topic.
"With what?" Matt asks while taking a bite of his sushi.
"I need you guys to help me tell her how I feel about her" that must sound really strange.
"Oh that's easy. You just say 'I love you'!" Jack says with his mouth full.
"Well it's not that easy. We've done everything so ass backwards. I just want this to be really special." I admit looking hopeless.
"Well how can we help?" Ryan finally asks.
"Alright, here's what I'm thinking-"

Mackenzie's POV
I hear a knock on my door. Couldn't be Mark, he only left an hour ago. I pause my show and get up to answer the door.
"Oh hello daughter."
My mother stands on the other side of the door way. Less than 2 feet away from me. I gasp when I realized that it was her. Her face has changed from the drugs, she lost a lot of teeth, and dyed her hair. But I could never forget that voice.
"What do you want" I greet her with anger.
"Now that's no way to greet your mother!" She snaps back, but then quickly puts her smile back on. "So it is true. Hm. I thought I raised you better than that." She refers to my big belly. Anger runs through my veins. How dare she! She's judging me when she left me many nights alone to go do drugs and sleep with random men, sometimes bringing them to the house!
"You don't have the right! Leave now!" I demand.
"Now now, let's not get too rialed up. I've only just gotten here. Let's catch up. You can tell me how this happened." She points at my baby bump.
"No. Leave now or I'm calling the cops." I stand my ground. But she just laughs. "What do you want? Money? I don't have any to give you! So leave!" I yell.
"How dare you think I came here for money! You stupid slut!" She yells back at me. My fists ball up and I want to hit her, hit something. But instead I take a step back and slam the door. I lock both locks too.
"Mackenzie come on now!" She knocks. I reach for my phone and call Mark.
"Hello?" His voice brings happiness to my heart.
"I'm- im sorry for interrupting." My voice is shakey from all the adrenaline and because I want to cry.
"Babe what's wrong?" He asks seriously. It's probably a bad time for this but my heart skipped a beat when he called me babe.
"I..I need you.. My mom, she's here-" I begin to sob. I haven't heard her in a few minutes, I'm hoping she left.
"I'm on my way. Stay on the phone with me." I hear him tell the guys to that he is coming to get me and that he will meet him at the house. The whole time Mark is on his way I have been listening out for her but still have heard nothing. 
When he arrives he comes running towards me and wraps his arms around me tightly.
"Are you alright?" He continues to embrace me.
"Yeah I'm fine. Just shaken up.." A few tears escape. He pulls away and wipes them off my cheek.
"Move in with me." Mark says staring into my eyes.
"Wha- I mean. Are you sure? Would everyone be okay with that? Where are we going to put a crib?" I ask very confused.
"Yes I'm sure, and yes everyone will be fine with it. We don't have to stay there to raise the baby. But I want you to be safe. She doesn't know where I live. And I want to protect you." He kisses my forehead.
"Okay.." I give in. I go and pack a bag as Mark stands in the living room waiting.
We arrive back at the house and I'm greeted with everyone's sympathetic eyes. Guess Mark told them? I tell them I'm fine and head up to Mark's room. Shortly after Mark joins me. We lay in his bed cuddled next to each other.
"I had the biggest crush on you." He breaks the silence. I almost had forgotten what Sean spilled to me because my mind has been racing ever since my mom showed up.
"You knew who I was the night we-" I dont need to finish my sentence.
"I did. I knew who you were when you walked through the door. I could never forget a face like yours" he kisses my back and it sends chills down my spine.
"Sing me to sleep." I shut my eyes wanting for forget this whole day.

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