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Marks POV
I begin to record my videos for the day. Doing a subnautica video and a Mario maker one. I wonder if Mackenzie watches my videos.. I am still on a high from our trip from the hospital last night. I keep the ultrasound picture in the drawer by my nightstand. I didn't imagine myself being a father.. Not for a while anyways. But I'm pretty excited about it. I go downstairs when I'm done to take Chica for a walk. Ryan and Matt tag along.
"So what's the deal with you and Mackenzie?" Ryan asks. Making me almost stop in my tracks.
"What do you mean?" I reply trying not to sound guilty.
"I mean. You invited her to the pool party. I didn't know you guys were friends" he continues.
"Yeah I mean. I didn't think you'd mind.." I plead.
"It's just. I like her. And I just want her to notice me." He stops walking and looks at me.
" what are you exactly saying" I ask him.
"Stay away from her in other words" he demands. Matt and I share a glance before I continue walking forward without them.
"Mark. I didn't. I didn't mean for that to-" Ryan begins to say but then stops. I continue my walk with Chica through the wooded area. It began to remind me of my childhood. My brother and I would love to go on adventures in the back yard. I want that for my children too.

-a few days go by-
Mackenzie's POV
Mark hasn't really texted me much lately. And when he does it's usually one or two words. I ignore it and continue with what I'm trying to do. I've been considering getting a part time job. Do they hire people for a few months? I just need as much money saved up as possible.
I put on some nice clothes and go for a walk around the park to try to clear my head. I still haven't told anyone yet. Not that I really have anyone to tell. I don't have a lot of close friends. My mom and I aren't super close and I don't have a relationship with my father. I hope Mark sticks around, growing up without a dad sucked.
I decided that I would make the next move since he made the last one. Maybe I should ask him to come over to my house. Considering we always go to his and his roommates are always there.
Me: hey Mark! I was wondering if maybe you'd want to come over and play some video games with me?
How could he say not to that. He loves video games.
I impatiently wait for a reply. An hour goes by. 2 hours go by. And finally my phone buzzes.
Ryan: hey Mackenzie come over and binge watch The Hunger Games with me!
Me: okay sure!
Would it be sooo wrong of me to go over there just to see why Mark is avoiding me? Probably. But I'm pregnant and I have hormones. Might be too early for that excuse but maybe not. I wear my Nike gym shorts and a tight black shirt. I'm not showing yet so I should be good to go.

-time skip-
When I get there Ryan has popcorn and beer sitting out on the table and the tv paused on the first movie. This might actually be fun. Maybe if will get my mind off of everything. I plop down on the couch.
"I made popcorn" Ryan says handing me a bowl.
"I see that captain obvious. Smells good!" We laugh at my stupid joke and I take a bite of popcorn.
"Want a beer?" He asks trying to hand me one.
"No thanks.. I'm trying not to drink my calories. I'll get a water" I say lying.
"Drink your calories? You're like perfectly fit" Ryan says blushing, causing me to blush. And I give him an awkward smile before getting up to get a water. I head back to the couch and Ryan starts the movie. I've seen it like 100 times but I still love it. I cry when Ruth dies. Harder this time. It's embarrassing.
Ryan yawns and puts his arm across my shoulders and I freeze. What the fuck. I don't move a muscle. 5 minutes of uncomfortable stiffness and I finally excuse myself from the bathroom. I run upstairs and go into the restroom. I splash water on my face. My eyes are still red from crying. Does Ryan think that I like him? He certainly seems to like me. Does Mark know? I walk out of the restroom without looking. "Ow" Mark says as we ram into each other. I almost fall but he catches me. I stare at him in anger. So he's been home this whole time and doesn't have the decency to reply back? A simple "no" would have been fine at the very least! I give him once last evil glare before beginning to walk away.
"Mackenzie wait!" He says quietly. I ignore him and go back downstairs.
"I think I'm going to leave Ryan. Thanks for inviting me over. I really enjoyed it. Sorry for eating all the popcorn" I give him a small hug before leaving. As I turned to close the door I saw Mark standing upstairs looking down at me. I shut the door and leave. I get in my truck and my eyes start to water. Tears roll down my face and I can't stop crying now. Why does this hurt me so much? I sit in my car for about 10 minutes before I calm down enough to drive home.
It's about 9:30 and I haven't moved from my couch. I've been watching Greys Anatomy for the past 3 hours. There's tissues sprawled out everywhere. Maybe it's the show, but it's probably just me. No text from Mark. What's going on with him? I begin to cry again. But no tears come out.
*knock knock*
Whose that? I fix my hair and wipe my face with one more tissue. I go to the door and open it slightly to peak out and see who it is. It's Mark. I open it and just stare at him blankly
"Can I come in..?" He asks holding both hands behind his back. I move out of the door frame and let him in. I sit on the couch and wait for him to say something. He moves his hands from behind his back and he reveals a small onsie
"I uh.. I um.. I had this made.." I sit up and my jaw dropped in awe. "It's.. It's stupid.." He says shyly and he hands it to me as he sits down. It's a black onsie with "momiplier + dadiplier = babyplier"
Trace my fingers along the letters and a few tears fall from my face. How thoughtful of him. I look over at him and he's already looking at me.
"Look. I don't know what we are. Or what we're not. But, I want you to know that I love this baby." Mark says with a few tears of his own falling down his cheek. I start crying more and he hands me a tissue. "I'm sorry." I manage to choke out.
"For what?" He asks and his lip trembles trying to hold back tears.
"For being mad at you today."
"I should have texted back.." He places his hand on my back.
"Can I ask why?" He starts to shake his head.
"Ryan has feelings for you. And he thought I was getting in the way of you two. I didn't know if you had feelings for him also. But I just thought I'd be best if I kept my distance. But it's hard Mackenzie. It's hard being away from you." He chokes up another tear. "When you're the only other person who knows what's going on." He looks away as a tear falls down his face. I place my hand on his knee and turn towards him.
"Mark." I call. Not really knowing how to respond.
"We should tell them." He says courageously. I nod at him in agreement.
"Okay." I take my hand off his knee and go to the fridge and grab some juice for me and a beer for him.
"Hey I have to drive home, and I told you I don't drink much" Mark protests.
"I bought a 6 pack of beer the day before I bought my pregnancy test. Didn't drink any just in case. And since I can't have them you need to drink them or they'll be poured out." I confess
"Fine." Mark takes the beer from my hand. I go over to my tv and turn on Mario cart.
"Oh, so you're looking to get your ass beat in some video games?" Mark looks at me with his eye brow raised and I laugh.
"Try me." I taunt him. We start playing and he's really good. I mean the best, I'm not sure why I challenged him. Every chance he gets he makes fun of how I'm loosing, but it's kind of cute.
"I don't." I begin to say but don't really know how to finish it.
"You don't what?" He takes his eyes off rainbow road for a split second.
"Have feelings for Ryan." I admit.
"Okay." Mark takes a swig of beer and tries to hide his smile.
3 hours later and 3 beers later we decide to call it quits. Mark reaches for his keys when I snatch them.
"You're not going anywhere tonight"
"Oh! so this was your plan from the get go. Get me drunk enough to where I can't drive so you can have your way with me?" He laughs so loud that I'm pretty sure I could hear him in every room, and I laugh with him.
"Come on you goof." I grab his wrist and lead him to my room.

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