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Marks POV

I'm. I'm going to be a father? How? How could this happen? It was only a one night stand! I pace back and forth. I splash water on my face and stare at my complexion. What do I do? What about her! What is she going to do? I contemplate for about an hour when I hear a truck being started. I look out my window and I see Mackenzie about to leave. I run as fast as I can to her truck before she drives off.
"WAIT!" I yell to get her attention as she backs out. She stops and sees me. She rolls down her window.
"Maybe we should. Um exchange numbers?" I suggest awkwardly.
"Oh yeah.. That might be a good idea. Since I'm carrying your child and all." She cracks a smile. "Too soon?" She jokes.
"Yeah a bit too soon for me.." I say being honest. We exchange numbers. And before she drives off I hand her her bra back.
"Were you just going to keep this as a souvenir?" She asks as she grabs it.
"I was." We both awkwardly laugh and then she drives off.

-1 week later-
Mackenzie's POV
It's been a week since I told him. I haven't been back over there, but we have been texting every once in a while. We have decided that for now we weren't going to tell anyone. We have 8 months to figure this thing out. I was dedicated to record as much videos as I could today. Before I get huge. In the middle of setting up for my next video my phone buzzes.
Mark: hey! Was just wondering if you wanted to come over tonight to swim.
Me: sure sounds fun.
It wouldn't hurt to spend time getting to know the father of my child. As the day goes by I record much more than I thought I would. Around 8 o'clock I realize I should probably get ready. I put on my black two piece bikini and for the first time in forever I leave my long brown hair down.

-time skip-
I arrive at the house. For the second time I notice that there are more people here than I expected. Ryan opens the door.
"Oh hey! I didn't know you were coming." He looks happy and surprised that I'm there.
"Well Mark invited me. I hope that's okay?" I ask him feeling a bit weird.
"Oh sure that's fine. Everyone is out back. Drinks are in the blue cooler." Little does he know I won't be drinking. I wonder if Mark is.. I go outside and notice a large group of people in the hot tub. I'm pregnant. I remind myself. Looks like I won't be joining in on that fun either. Mark looks up and sees me staring into space.
"Hey wanna come sit?" He asks as he scoots over a bit for me in the hot tub.
"I can't" I blurt out. I put my hand over my mouth. Shit. What kind of person besides being pregnant can't be in a hot tub. "I uh. Mean maybe later." I say. He gives me a confused face. I turn around and walk towards the kitchen. They must have something besides alcohol to drink. I search the refrigerator until I spot some Apple juice. Yumm. I pour a glass and take a sip. I hear the sliding door open and see Mark walk inside. "Hey.." He looks at me shyly.
"Hey." I reply awkwardly. He walks towards me and stand against the cabinets in front of me.
"Apple juice?" He points at my cup.
"No. Royal fuck." I say jokingly. "Yes, apple juice."
He giggles.
"I'm a good swimmer." Mark randomly states.
"Me too?" I respond confused.
"Good. Last one to the pool is lame!" He yells and storms out of the kitchen. I smile, baffled at him. I run after him but before I could reach the pool I slip and fall on my back. I hear the water splash. Ouch.
"Beat ya!" I hear him say. "Oh fuck. Are you alright!?" He hurries out of the pool.
"Yeah I'm fine. Can you help me up?" He grabs my hand and helps me on my feet. "You're bleeding" he takes my wrist and leads me to he bathroom. "Looks like a few cuts on your elbows. I think we should go to the hospital though."
"What? Why? I'm fine." I protest.
"You're pregnant" he whispers. I roll my eyes and he stares at me intensely.
"Fine" I cave in.
We exit the bathroom and head to the front door when Ryan stops us. "Hey are you alright?" he asks looking at my cuts.
"Yeah I'm fine." I reassure him.
"Where you guys going?" He questions both of us and looks us up and down.
"food. We want Taco Bell!" Mark exclaims a little too fast and loud.
"Ooo get me a starburst freeze!" He begs. We nod our heads and walk out of the door.
The car ride is silent. Mark gave me one of his extra shirts that he leaves in his car to put on over my swim suit. It's black with his markiplier logo on it.
"So how did you know not to get in the hot tub.." Mark breaks the silence.
"I uh.. Did a little research.." I admit.
"Maybe I should do some.." He suggests.
We pull into the hospital parking lot and we walk up to the desk.
"May I help you?" The lady asks
"Yeah um. I fell."
The lady gives me an un-entertained face and Mark nudges me.
"I'm pregnant" I blurt out. But not too loudly, out of habit.
"Oh okay. I'm going to send out to the Maternity wing..." She continues on giving us the directions to where we need to go. When we arrive there I had to fill out paperwork. About 20 minutes later I heard my name being called I stand up and take a step when I notice Mark hasn't gotten up.
"You coming?" I look at him with my arms crossed.
"Oh! I mean. I didn't know if you wanted me to or not. Can I?" He begs with a look of hope on his face. I smile and nod. We go back to the room and I lay on the hospital bed and Mark sits in the seat next to me.
"So how'd you fall?" The doctor asks.
"I was. We were. Racing each other to the pool. Now I get why there's those 'no running' signs around public pools.." I answer and Mark gives me a warm smile.
"Yeah. I wouldn't suggest doing that anymore. Are you the father?" She asks looking over at Mark. He looks nervous at first "yeah. Yes. I'm the father." He hesitates. It's still new news. She smiles at both of us.
"Alright Miss Mackenzie I need you to pull your shirt up." The doctor requests. I pull my shirt up for her and she puts this cold jelly all over my stomach.
"Is this your first ultrasound?"
"Yeah.." I reply shyly. She puts this weird device on my stomach and a grey and white picture flashes on the monitor. I hear loud thumping and as she moves the microphone looking thing the monitor moves with it. Both me and Mark have an incredibly confused look on our faces.
"That sound you hear. That's the baby's heart beat." My baby's heart beat. I get butterflies in my stomach and my smile gets really big. I look over at Mark and he's staring at the monitor trying to make out what he sees. His smile lights up the room.
"okay here. You see this tiny peanut lookin figure? That's the baby." Omg. My body fills with joy and can't stop looking at the monitor. I wonder if it'll be a boy or a girl. Thoughts run through my mind. Mark grabs my hand pulling my attention away from the monitor.
"That's.. That's our baby.." He smiles at me really big.
"That is our baby.." I grin at him but he can't seem to stop looking at the monitor either.
"You guys are a cute couple." The doctor says both noticing how excited we are. Both Mark and I just nod.
"Your baby is heathy. Just don't run around pools anymore. I'm going to prescribe you some prenatal vitamins to help with the baby's growth and make sure it's getting enough nutrients." She writes down on the clipboard.
"Can we.. Have some pictures of the ultrasound..?" Mark speaks up and I'm surprised. The doctor nods and exits the room. I wipe off the goo on my stomach and pull down my shirt. I sit up and look around the room.
"That was.. Incredible.." Mark's smile hasn't faded.
We get the prescription and the pictures and we head back to Mark's house. The whole way there he talks about the heartbeat and the ultrasound. I'm really excited that he's excited. We arrive back at the house and the party has died down a bit. Ryan and Matt are sitting on the couch watching tv.
"Did you get my starburst freeze?" Ryan looks at us from over the couch.
"Oh shit. We forgot. sorry Ryan.." Mark says. Me and him both walk into the living room. Mark sits on the recliner and as soon as he sits Chica climbs up there with him. I stand there taking it all in.
"You gunna sit down and watch a movie with us?" Ryan offers.
"Sure." I smile and sit on the opposite side of the living room on a small love seat. I lay down and they turn on Lilo and Stitch.
I wake up the next morning with a blanket draped on me and a pillow under my head. I'm still on their couch. I sit up and rub my eyes. Mmm something smells good. I walk into the kitchen to see Mark cooking eggs and bacon. "I didn't know you could cook." I walk up behind him.
"Yeah I sort of do. My mother taught me. You hungry?" He asks looking down at my stomach. I blush realizing that I'm now feeding for 2.
"Uh yeah. Actually." I shyly say. He grabs 2 plates and put the food on them then walks over to the table. He pours us both apple juice and we begin to eat. We small talk and he makes stupid little goofy jokes that make me laugh. It's nice.
"Good morning sun shines!" Ryan comes down with Matt and they take a seat next to us and eat. When we're done eating I say my goodbyes and leave.

One night that lasts forever Where stories live. Discover now