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Mackenzie's POV
I laid in bed all day while Mark and the guys did some videos. I hadn't wanted to move all day. Around 4 o'clock Ryan knocked on the door and I told him to come in.
"You know what would make you feel better?" He asks sitting down next to me.
"What?" I lean up a little bit.
"If you play the whisper challenge with us." He says trying to sound convincing.
"I don't want to leave the room." I slump back down.
"So.. You'd rather stay in bed, literally all day, then attempt to have fun. Come on. It'll be fun." He pulls the blanket off of me.
"Okay fine" I cave in. "Give me time to get ready" I get up and look in the mirror. Geez. I don't look good. I put on concealer to hide the circles under my eyes and I add a lot more make up than normal. But the finished product looks good. I also straighten my long brown hair. I throw on a black graffic t-shirt that used to fit perfectly but is now extremely tight, and some jean shorts. I walk downstairs to see the guys are all set up. Mark directs us where to sit. In the front 2 seats it's Matt on the left and Ryan on the right. In the back 3 seats it's Sean  on the very left, me in the middle, and Mark  on the right. After they do the intro we start with Ryan whispering to Matt first. Then it continues until it goes all around and the finished sentence was "cheeseburger baby pants?" And everyone started laughing really hard. The game continues as we all switch seats then it's my turn to whisper to Mark.
"Rubber baby duffle bag" I whisper and he gives me a very confused look. It goes around the circle. The last round is where Mark whispers to Sean and I'm the final person to be whispered to. Mark and Sean sit on the bench and I'm sitting behind Mark on his right side. Mark begins the final round of the game. When it gets around to me I am very confused at the sentence.
"I love sea monkeys and chimpanzees?" I blurt out looking at Mark and everyone laughs including him.
"Final sentence was," Mark turns towards me instead of looking into the camera. "I love you, Mackenzie." He gives me a sincere grin and my face turns red and tears start coming out. He stands up and comes over to hug me.
"I love you too" I say wiping the tears from my face. He leans in for a kiss and everyone starts cheering and it makes both Mark and I laugh. He pulls in for another hug and whispers so quietly and in a deep voice "you don't know how long I've wanted to tell you that." The baby kicks so hard it startles me. "Was that.. The baby?" Mark asks backing away.
"Yeah.. It was. You felt that?" I ask astonished.
"I did. Looks like we have a future soccer player here" Mark laughs as he places his hand on my belly to feel the baby move around.
"We should all probably try to get some rest tonight." Sean breaks the silence. Oh shit tomorrow is PAX, I almost forgot with all this stuff going on. Everyone agrees and goes to their bedrooms. I change into my pajamas as soon as we enter the bedroom and lay in the bed when I'm done. I watch Mark as he takes off his shirt. Oh god, I will never get tired of seeing him shirtless. Those biceps, his big strong arms. He then quickly changes into some basketball shorts and comes to bed..still shirtless.
"Are you excited about tomorrow?" I ask still staring at his muscular figure as he flips through something on tv.
"Yeah, I'm always excited for PAX." He has a small grin on his face.
"It'll be the first time we're both out in public." I realize and I feel a knot in my throat as I try to swallow.
"It'll be fine, and if not then I guess I'll have to kick some ass." He chuckles at himself and that makes me feel at ease. To my surprise Mark lays his head down on my belly and he starts singing 'A dream is a wish your heart makes' from the Cinderella movie. His voice is so deep and smooth.
"A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you will lose your heartache
Whatever you wish for you keep
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling through
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true"
He ends the song my kissing and rubbing my belly. My eyes start to water. That was the sweetest thing ever.. After a few more minutes he gets up and hovers over me. I thought he was going to kiss me but he turns over and takes his glasses off. But then he swings back around and hovers over me once more. I give him a 'what are you doing' face and he gives me a warm smile.
-smut you can skip if you'd like-
"I want to make love to you." He says with that same smile slapped on his face. I'm not sure what to say, I'm speechless. I've never heard anyone call it 'making love', besides the 2 times me and him have done the dirty, I really haven't had a good experience with sex. He places his head in the crook of my neck.
"Can I make love to you" he asks in a deep and raspy voice. I get goosebumps all over my body. I shake my head 'yes' and I can feel a smile grow on his face. He comes up from my neck and places a hand on my cheek. He leans in and kisses me slowly but passionately. Then he starts kissing my neck in the same spot he was in. "God I want you so bad" he whispers again making me get extremely in the mood. After a few minutes of kissing my neck he takes my tank top and bra off. He sits back and bites his lip. He leans up on his knees coming towards me and I can see how hard he is. I pull him close to me and he begins to lick my nipples. Holy fuck. I begin to moan. I look over at Mark and he makes eye contact with me.
"I want you now" I moan and he stops and looks at me in the face.
"You'll have to be patient." He gives me a devious grin leaving me confused. He strips my underwear off of me leaving me completely bare. That's when he came between my legs and started licking slowly. I throw my head back and moan louder than I wanted to. It feels like complete ecstasy. No one has ever given me a feeling like this before. He starts to move his tongue faster and I can feel myself about to climax. "Oh Mark" I moan and as I came. He must have known that I was done because he stopped and laid down next to me. He wraps his arms around me in a comforting way. He's so perfect..
"May I continue?" He asks with his raspy voice again.
"Please" I beg and he smiles at me. He nods as he pulls his shorts off. I stare at his rock hard cock and bite my lip. He sees me looking at him and he lays on his back and begins to stroke himself.
"Mmm" he moans.
"Stop teasing me Mark" I plead but he doesn't, instead he begins to stroke faster. I grab his hand and pull it away. He gets the clue and gets on top of me, he rubs his cock against my clit making me moan. He then slowly thrust into me making both of us throw our heads back in pleasure.
"Faster" I demand.
"'re so wet.." He mumbles breathless. He starts going faster and starts rubbing my clit with his thumb.
"Cum for me baby." He whispers in an extremely sexy voice. I feel myself about to climax again and I start moaning louder. We both finish at the same time and Mark collapses beside me. We lay there trying to catch our breaths.
"That was.. Incredible..." I manage to say. I feel weak.
"Yeah it was." Mark pulls me into an embrace and kisses my head. "I love you Kenzie Grace." I look into his dark brown eyes.
"I love you too Mark Fichbach" I kiss his nose and we fall asleep in each other's arms.

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