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A/N: I have never been to PAX, so this is just how I'd imagine it.

Mackenzie's POV
We all get up at 6am. Well. Most of us. Mark has hit his snooze button twice just trying to fit a couple more minutes in. I begin to curl my hair and do my make up. When I'm about halfway done I go over to wake Mark up.
"Get up sleepy head." I pull the pillow from off of his face and he groans.
"5 more minutes." He begs. But we don't have time.
"Mark Edward Fichbach, if you're not out of this bed in 5 minutes I'm going to kick your ass." I threaten making him chuckle.
"Fine fine." He moves the blanket off of him and sits up to put his glasses back on. I go back to doing my hair and makeup after I see him get out of bed. Hmm what should I wear? Most of my clothes were already here in bags, I should had to dig something out that I liked. I found a navy floral skirt and I paired it with a black tank top with a shaw and some black flats. I look at myself when I'm all done and I'm shocked when I see how big I look. Mark comes up from behind me wearing these ridiculous 'ass ass' glasses. I laugh at the sight of him and that makes him laugh too. We both look at each other's reflections in the mirror.
"God you're gorgeous." Mark says now looking at me.
"You guys ready yet?!" Sean calls from the hallway. Mark kisses my cheek before ushering us to go downstairs. We have 2 hours to spare before we have to leave.
"I'll make breakfast." Mark offers. He's such a great man..
"I can help." I follow him into the kitchen. I'm still an amateur and cooking and I'd love to learn.
"First, we crack the eggs." He cracks open 2 eggs in 1 hand.
"Ooo impressive." I say looking at him.
"Now, it's your turn." He chuckles and moves away. I grab the 2 eggs and hit them against the counter and open them over the bowl.
"Oops I think I got a small shell in there" I back away throwing the shells into the trash while Mark grabs a spoon to get the shell out. He adds a little salt and pepper and starts cooking them on the stove.
"Now the key to good eggs is, fluffiness, they have to be fluffy." He plays a good teacher. After we are done cooking and eating we all get in the car and leave. Sean sits in the back as Mark and I are in the front and Matt and Ryan are taking their cars.
"So you guys have any names picked out?" Sean asks. Both Mark and I look at each other, we hadn't even discussed names yet, I guess we were waiting to find out the gender.
" not yet." I answer feeling a bit guilty that we've waited this long and haven't gotten very far.
"My mother likes the name Aiden, she thinks it's going to be a boy. But I have to disagree." Mark gives me a cute smile. I still want a boy, but I love that Mark wants a baby girl.
"I like the name Jack." Sean laughs making both of us laugh.

We arrive at PAX and Sean and Mark are rushed to their panels. Leaving me to wander around mindlessly. I walk around just taking it all in. Wow. I'm so glad Mark was able to get me a ticket.
"Hey, Mackenzie right?" A familiar face comes up to me.
"Yeah" I answer.
"It's me, Wade, we met at the wedding."
"Oh right! Nice to see you again." I smile warmly.
"You too. Do you know where they took Mark? I'm running a bit late to panels." He looks sweaty and rushed.
"Oh yeah. They went down this hall, past the vending machines." I direct him. He thanks me and runs off. About an hour later everyone makes their way to this massive room to find a seat. I find Ryan and Matt and we all sit together in the middle. After everyone has their seats, they bring out Sean, Mark, Wade, and a few other people I don't know the names of on stage. The hosts ask them questions and they make stupid funny jokes, it's actually pretty funny.
"Oh and by the way, congratulations Mark! How does it feel?" One of the guys asks. I see Mark's face turns pink but he has a goofy grin on his face.
"Oh thank you. And it feels amazing, I can't wait til she..or he's born." Mark answers looking into the crowd.
"So we don't know the gender yet? If you have a gender reveal party I better be invited!" The guy makes a corny joke. After the Q&A everyone makes their way to panels. I lost Ryan and Matt in the crowd so I wander around looking for a familiar face.
"Mackenzie!" I hear a girl squeel as she runs up to me. She was young with a blond bob hair style. She must be one of my followers.
"Hi" I say with an excited grin on my face.
"I just love your videos SOO much!" She states as she holds a book in her hand. "Will you please sign this for me?" She hands me the book.
"Of course! And thank you." I open the book and it's already filled with so many signatures. I sign my name as pretty as I can and hand the book back to her. After thanking me, and me thanking her, she turns around and looks.
"Hey beautiful." A deep voice comes behind me and strong arms wrap around me.
"Hey babe." I turn around and face him. We both stand there looking at each other for a good solid minute.
"Omg it's Markiplier!!" A group of girls runs over to us causing us to separate. They push me out of the way and surround Mark.
"We love you Mark!" The tall skinny one says.
"Yeah! Your videos are the best!" The pink haired girl exclaims.
"Will you marry me?!" Asks the shortest red head. Mark smiles at them, he looks a bit tense, but he laughs generously. He signs their various items and takes photos with them. When they walk away I hear the red head say a bit too loudly.
"Did you see her? What a freak. Mark can do much better!"
"She's pregnant with his baby." The tall one says.
"That's questionable" the pink haired girl says as she looks back at me. I stare at them as they disappear into the distance.
"Hey," Mark says in a reassuring voice. I break my glare and look up at him. "Don't listen to them.." He places his hand on my cheek. "You're all I need." He kisses my forehead and my heart skips a few beats.
The rest of the day we walked around and talked to tons of people and it was great. My life is pretty great.

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