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Today's the day! We're flying out to Cincinnati in an hour. I decided to look as nice as possible, I want to make a good impression. So I curled my hair, did my makeup extra good. Despite feeling bigger this morning, I'm wearing a cute floral sun dress that goes down to my mid-thigh. I'm ready. Or I keep telling myself that I am. I have everything packed, even the dress Mark bought me for the wedding.

-time skip to airport-
"I'm excited. So excited." Mark exclaims as we are walking to our terminal. He's such a gentleman, he's carrying both our luggage and he's always checking up on me.
"I'm nervous, so nervous." I blurt out honestly. We find a seat and wait.
"Don't be nervous, they'll love you." He convincingly says as he looks into my eyes.
"Okay." I reply smiling back, hoping that he's right.

The whole plane ride there he explains to me whose going to be there and describes every person I'm going to meet. Apparently his brother, his brothers wife, and their kids will be there along with his mother when we arrive. We will also be staying at his mother's house in his old teenaged bedroom. Which I'm excited to see, I imagine geeky posters and old porn magazines hidden under the bed. Mark made sure to bring the picture from our last ultrasound to show off to everybody which made me happy too. I love that he's so excited about it.

-time skip to arrival-
"Ready?" Mark asks as we sit in the drive way.
"As ready as I'll ever be. Let's do this." I say as I open the door. Plus I need to pee so bad. Mark grabs the luggage from the back seat and we walk up to this cute,nice sized, brick house. Before we even get to the door I hear a couple dogs barking and a few kids laughing. I start sweating a little bit because of my nerves but I try to shake it off. Mark opens the door and walks right in and I follow. A huge golden retriever greets Mark and he falls to the floor and starts petting her.
"Hello Lucy oh I've missed you!" He yells and all of his nieces and nephews come running towards him and collapse on top of him. Mark tackles the his nephew and then turns around and tickles his nieces and they squeal and laugh. I laugh with them and it makes me calm down a bit.
"Hello Mark" his mother comes from the kitchen to greet us and Mark stands up and gives her a huge bear-like hug. "Oh come on son you're squeezing me!" His mother exclaims but smiles really big as he lets go. She looks over at me and my face turns so red that I can feel it.
"You must be Mackenzie." She gives me a warm smile and walks towards me.
"Nice to meet you" I reach my hand out for her to shake it but she pulls me into a hug which caught me off guard.
"You're family now." She says as she hugs me and that makes me feel good inside. I look from the corner of my eye and see Mark watching with a cute grin on his face. His mother pulls away and she looks down at my belly and says "oh I can't wait to meet you" a tear wanted to fall from my eye but I sucked it in. How can someone I just meet accept me more than my own family? Mark places his hand on his mother's shoulder and tells her that he's going to put our luggage in our room.
"Do you like chicken and dumplings?" His mother asks urging me to follow her into the kitchen.
"Yes. That sounds amazing" I reply, now smelling them and my mouth begins to water. Mark returns to the kitchen with the ultrasound picture in his hand. I sit down on the stool in front of the island watching as he hands it to his mom. She gasps and a few tears fall from her eyes. He pulls her in for another hug but this one is more tender.
"I can't believe you're going to be a father Mark." She says.
"Me either, but I can't wait" he replies and pulls away from the hug.
"Oh! I had something I wanted to show you!" His mom says talking to me as she scurries out of the room. "Here it is!" She places a thick scrapbook in front of me and Mark takes a seat beside me.
"Really mom? Bringing out the baby pictures?" Mark laughs. I open the book and see pictures of both Mark and his brother when they were first born. Mark was a bit smaller than his brother.
"When is the due date?" His mother asks as she's going back and forth in the kitchen cooking.
"June 25th." I answer and she turns around and gasps.
"3 days before your birthday Mark!" She excitedly says.
"Early birthday present." He responds and gives me a quick smile.
"You know I was in labor for 14 hours with this one? They say the second is supposed to be easier but Mark, he just wasn't ready." His mom says and we both laugh, but Mark got a little embarrassed. I put my hand on his knee for a minute to try to comfort him and it works.
"You know Mark I found a house in the neighborhood right behind this one, good price and has a nice big backyard." His mom looks at both of us. Mark and I both look at each other. Does he want to move back here?
"We uh haven't decided on where we're going to raise it yet.." Mark speaks up.
"Well you have a limited amount of time you know? It'll come quicker than you think. In the blink of an eye" she says and it begins to really scare me. We haven't decided anything yet, except a doctor. Where are we going to raise the baby? I guess Mark could tell that I was freaking out because he grabbed my hand and held it.
"Okay dinners ready!" She calls out and everyone heads to the table.
During dinner I got to know his brother, Thomas a little more and his wife Jessica. She seems sweet but she also looks exhausted. Three kids all under the age of 5 must be hard.
After dinner Thomas and Mark take the little ones outside to play football, Mark's mom is cleaning up in the kitchen, and Jessica and I are in the dinning room cleaning up.
"She hasn't scared you has she?" Jessica asked referring to Mark's mom.
"No, she just opened my eyes a bit. I realized that we have no plan." I admit as I stack some plates together.
"It's okay not to have a plan yet. When I first found out I was pregnant with Braden I had no idea what I was going to do." She opens up making me feel a little better.
"When did you know what to do? Or what the right thing to do is?" I ask her yearning for answers.
"I don't know. I think it just comes to you. You just have to decide what you want for your child and make it happen." She says as she takes a bunch of cups to the kitchen.
Thomas, Jessica, and their kids all leave for the night and Mark's mom already went to bed. I shower and change into some of my pajama shorts and a tank top. Everything's starting to feel a bit tighter than normal. I go into Mark's room and it's almost exactly what I thought it would be. He has a queen sized bed with a blue Mario comforter set, an old wooden desk with faded stickers and pencil markings carved into it, and band trophies on display. I lay on the bed and play some games on my phone while Mark takes a shower. About 40 minutes later Mark walks in with a towel wrapped around his waist and his glasses are fogged up. His hair is a damp mess and he's holding his towel up with one hand. My jaw drops for a second but I quickly try to close it when he looks over at me.
"Sorry I forgot to bring clothes into the bathroom with me." He apologies, but then quickly gets a cocky smile when he sees me staring. "You like what you see?" He arrogantly asks laughing at himself.
"Sorry. It's been a while.." I admit looking away back at my phone, trying to ignore him.
"Don't be sorry" Mark now begins to dance sexily, and it grabs my attention again. He's so goofy that it's sexy. "Don't mind me. I just need to grab some shorts" Mark jokingly bends over slowly to pick up some basketball shorts. We both bust out laughing.
"Sh sh! My moms sleeping" he hushes me. "I'm going to change. Ill be right back." He says as he walks towards the door.
"I can look away" I say and he stops. "Or maybe I won't" I wink at him and he gives me a Flynn Rider type smile. Without a word he turns out the light and I can't see a thing. He then crawls into bed under the blanket.
"I either put my shorts on before I crawled in bed, or I didn't. Guess" he demands. "And no getting under the blanket, that's cheating"
"I'm going to say that you didn't" I answer and we both giggle. He takes off his glasses and just when I think he's going to bed he pulls me under the blanket.
-smut- you can skip if you'd like
"It's been a been a while for me too." He's close enough to where I can feel his breath against my skin. "I don't normally do this" he jokes, making fun of our one night stand.
"I'm sure you say that to all your one night stands" I tease back.
"Nope, you're the only one." He scoots closer to me and nips at my shoulder. "We're going to have to be really quiet." He gently gets on top of me. He goes straight into kissing my neck making me moan but quietly. He completely strips me all at once and before continuing he stares at me for a few seconds while biting his lip. He thrusts into me slowly making us both moan in pleasure and he throws his head back. He's bigger than I remember. I drag my nails down his back and that makes him go faster.
"Oh..fuck.." He says under his breath.
"Faster.." I moan and he does. Without any words we both finish at the same time. He rolls over off of me and we both lay there panting. After we had enough time to catch our breath Mark turns towards me.
"So when do we get to fuck in your childhood bedroom?" Mark chuckles.
"I don't have one." I confess, I had wanted to tell Mark about my family but I just never knew when the right time would be. "My dad left when I was 5 and my mother is addicted to drugs. I haven't talked to her in years and last time I did she was living on the street.." It doesn't make me sad anymore, it's just how it is, and I've learned to accept it.
"I'm sorry.. I.. I didn't know.." His voice gets quieter.
"No it's okay. I'm fine." I turn towards him and give him a small grin and he wraps his arm around me and we both fall into a deep slumber.

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