Girls VS Boys

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Mackenzie's POV
Today I start my hostessing job at a small Italian restaurant. I won't be making much but I felt like I needed to do it. I also won't have much time to dedicate to making videos but I need more money. The uniforms are ugly. But here we go.

-after work-
I come home and prop my feet up on the ottoman, my feet are swollen and I'm exhausted. I look like a hot mess but I'm too tired to get up and shower. I fall asleep for about an hour when I hear a knock on my door.
"Hey." Mark says he's standing with his hands behind his back and he looks nervous.
"Hey. Come in." I say looking confused. Did he get more baby clothes? We don't even know the gender..
"What are you wearing?" He asks pointing to my uniform.
"I got a job.." I admit. He places whatever he was holding down beside the couch to where I can't see it and sits next to me.
"Why?" He has a concerned and confused look on his face.
"I need money..for the baby. We have nothing." I express my fears.
"Mackenzie-" he takes both of my hands. "You don't need to get a second job. You're pregnant. You should be pampered, not working your ass off stressing over money. That's not healthy for you or the baby.." He looks deep into my eyes.
"For the first time this pregnancy, my feet are swollen.." I chuckle a little and he gives me a half smile. Maybe he's right..
"So what did you bring?" I ask and he retracts his hands and gives me a more serious look.
"Don't hate me." He grabs this long bag and I'm not sure what it is yet. He takes the bag off to reveal an ombré blue with sparkly beads,mid-thigh, sweetheart neckline, dress. My jaw drops. It's beautiful.
"What-what's this for?" He hands me the dress and I hold it up examining it.
"I would like you, to be my date to my friend's wedding. It's back in Cincinnati, so you'd be meeting my family too." Mark looks at me with a hopeful expression. I'm not really sure what to say. I can't say no. I would just be nervous to meet his family and friends. But it'd mean a lot to him.
"Yes" I blankly say.
"Thank you." He replies immediately, his smile lights up the room.
"The dress is beautiful Mark.." I stand up and hold the dress up to me to see how it would look.
"It matches my tie" Mark can't seem to stop looking at me.
"When is it?" I hang the dress up on the door frame of my door and sit back down next to him.
"2 weeks from yesterday" he smiles at the last minute notice.
"Okay. I'll have to make another doctors appointment. I'm supposed to go every month, so I'll go before we leave."
"Are they going to do another ultrasound?" He asks looking a bit excited and it makes me giggle.
"Yeah. Mark you are welcome to come to any appointments." I offer and his face lights up. He looks down and just smiles.
"Thanks." He says now looking up at me.

-time skip to ultrasound-
Back here again, I guess I should get used to it though. I lay back on the table as the doctor talks to me and Mark. She starts asking me about a birth plan, and whose going to deliver the baby. Mark and I just looked at each other because we hadn't really thought about that yet. We picked a doctor that she suggested and set a date. June 25th.
"Alright lay back and let's check on that baby" the doctor orders. She puts the cold goo on my stomach again then puts the microphone looking thing on there. We immediately hear the heart beat.
"Heart rate is 150, which is good. A little bit higher than normal, you know what they say though. Boys have a faster heart beat" she looks over and smiles at me and Mark.
"A boy?" I ask smiling really big.
"No I think it's a girl. It has to be a girl" Mark shakes his head.
"Your baby is 3 inches, about the size of a passion fruit and now when you talk to or touch the stomach, he or she will feel and hear." The doctor says and it gives me butterflies in my belly. She takes a few pictures of the baby for us then leaves the room for a minute to schedule my next appointment.
"So your hoping for a girl?" I question Mark.
"I am. You're rooting for a boy?" He asks back.
"Yeah. A little boy would be cute." I confess.
"But a daddy's little girl would be even cuter" he winks at me and makes me blush.
"I want it to be a surprise, like a gender reveal party." I explain to him and he nods in agreement.
"We leave in two days. Are you all packed"
"Not exactly, I'll pack tonight though." I'm actually really nervous to meet Mark's family and friends. What will they think of me?

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