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Mark's POV
I wake up in the middle of the night to Chica scratching my door wanting out.
"What's the matter girl?" She probably just needs to go outside. I sit up and put my glasses on and notice that Mackenzie isn't next to me. Well where did she go? I walk to the door and let Chica out and follow her downstairs. The kitchen light is on and I hear someone going through the fridge. I think I found her. I notice hot sauce on the counter and she's holding a pickle in her mouth. She gasps when she turns around and sees me.
"Hot sauce on a pickle?" I tease her. That sounds awful.
"You try being pregnant." She innocently says as she puts everything back into the fridge. Chica interrupts by booping my leg. I go over and open the door to the backyard and let her out. After a few minutes I peak out into the yard to check on Chica when I see a glimpse of the bright full moon.
"Whoa so cool" I speak in amazement and Mackenzie comes over and looks over my shoulder.
"It's bright tonight" she says.
"Space is the coolest thing ever." I can't help but look up at all the stars.
"Why?" She questions me and it breaks my attention.
"Because it's so big and unexplored!" I go on.
"Like the ocean?" She winks at me.
"Well-no. Uh. The ocean is terrifying because of all the mysterious creatures lurking in caves and what not, and not to mention the drowning." I explain myself.
"What about aliens?" She challenges.
"You believe in aliens?" I laugh.
"I do" she answers honestly. "You mean to tell me, that you believe that in all of the whole universe and black holes and shit, you think we are the only intelligent life?"
"No I believe too." I tease her back, I just wanted to hear her explanation.
"Come on Chica, get back in here girl." I call out and she comes running back in. "Did you finish your death pickle?" I laugh.
"Yes." She rolls her green eyes, playfully though and with a smile on her face. "Let's go back to bed" she suggests and we walk back to my room. We both lay  in the darkness trying to fall back asleep. 30 minutes pass.
"Ugh I can't fall back asleep!" She huffs and throws a pillow down to the end of the bed.
"It's 4:29 in the morning." I say as I check my phone. "But I can't sleep either"
"21 questions?" She suggests with a raised eyebrow.
"Sure. You go first"
"No I don't like going first. You go first." She argues.
"Okay. What's you're favorite food?" I start off with an easy question.
"I love all foods. Chinese food, Mexican food. Lasagna! Oh I want lasagna.." Her voice trails off, probably day dreaming about food. "What's your biggest fear?" She takes her turn.
"Oh that's an easy one! Mannequins, dolls, and drowning of course!" I blurt out really fast, making her laugh. "What do you like about me?" I ask cockily,but I am really curious to know.
"Oh wouldn't you like to know!" She shoots up from laying down lightly hitting me in the arm.
"Ouch!" I say kidding. "Tell me!" I demand.
"Fine." She gives in and takes a moment to think. "You want to know what I like about you?" She asks and I nod my head. She rubs her tongue against her teeth. "You're a great person. I've never met someone like you before. You're genuine. You're also goofy which I like most of all. But. I don't know.. I like you for you being you." My heart beats out of my chest. Tell her. My heart tells me. I can't yet. My head replies.
"I uh-" I choke. "I'm sexy too right?" I blurt out. I try to play it cool and flash her an obnoxious smile.
"Yeah that too." She winks at me. Nice save. "How do you think your fans will react when we tell them?" She bites her lip.
"I think most of them will support it, it'll definitely come as a shock to everyone. There will be those who won't like it. But we can't let the negative comments get to us." I answer honestly. Tomorrow is the day that I'm going to spill the beans to the whole internet. And I'm nervous as hell. I hear her yawn and we both decide that it's time to go back to sleep.

We sluggishly get up at 10 am, both still tired from staying up late.
"What do you want for brunch?" I ask as I sit up to find my glasses.
"Mmm bacon and pancakes." She says as she still lays there with her eyes half open.
"Haha alright. Let's get up and go to IHOP." I suggest and she nods. Aside from throwing on a light jacket we both stay in our pajamas to go eat.
I invited Matt and Ryan to join us and they both agreed.
Mackenzie and I sat on one side of the booth as Matt and Ryan sat on the other.
"So today's the day that we're telling the whole internet." I announce.
"Wow dude. That's awesome." Matt says.
"You nervous?" Ryan asks us.
"A little. I've never been public about any relationships. Not that I've had many. But you know." I answer and Mackenzie nods her head.
"Your fan girls won't be too happy" Ryan points out.
"You're right about that.. But it is what it is." I say with a smile on my face. I need to tell Sean (jacksepticeye) before I tell the whole internet. How could I have forgotten to tell him?
"I'll be right back guys. I gotta make a call" I excuse myself from the table and walk outside.
*ring ring ring*
"Hey Mark!" Sean greets, he sounds happy as usual.
"Hey man what's up?"
"Not much, just getting some videos edited. How about you? It's been a while!" He says.
"I know. And I've actually got pretty big news." I pace back and forth.
"Well go on with it!" He hollers.
"I met a girl, and we're having a baby!." I admit with a smile on my face.
"Oh Mark that's wonderful! Congratulations!" His approval makes me smile even bigger. After chitchatting a bit more I go back inside just in time to eat.

One night that lasts forever Where stories live. Discover now