Welcome to the world!

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I woke up with a horrible abdominal pain.

A nurse had woken me.

"You are 10cm dilated, we are going to need to ask you to get ready now."

Hero was by my side with a big smile.

"Here it goes."

Three more nurses crouded round me.

"Ok, on your next contraction I'm going to ask you to push."

I nodded, I was hot and red in the face, lose hairs sticking to my forehead.

I opened my mouth to yell at another burning pain, the nurse told me to push, I heaved.

The strain stopped once I had given birth to the head, then the pain erupted again as I felt the rest of his or her tiny body slip out.

"Congratulations, a little girl!"

Hero was given the little baby, her tiny fingers wrapped around his thumb.

"Hello baby." I whispered when Hero leaned over so I could see her.

I didn't see them cut the cord but soon I felt a sharp contraction, I felt the same pain, I was crowning again.

Then the shoulders were out, along with the rest of baby number twos body.

"Another baby girl!"

A nurse helped me sit up and handed me my tiny girl.

"This little one looks like a Charlotte." Hero mumbled, cradling a kissing the baby in his arms.

"Charlotte, I cute name. It suits her."

Then I looked down at the baby in my arms.

"Hello little baby, aren't you the cutest thing I ever saw? Ever- Eve or Eva. Oh! Your a baby Eva, isn't that right?"

Hero looked over at Eva and grinned.

This was just perfect, Hero and my two wonderful baby girls, Charlotte and Eva.

Freya's Wings #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now