The Date

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Here we go! My first part of my x Reader! If you are going to comment about my writing, please do so in a way that is polite and kind. (I also suck at x readers, so please bear with me. Lol). I would really appreciate it! :)

"Shi-kun, I love you!" I told him cutely as we were walking down the sidewalk. I was wearing a white long sleeve with a pair of dark skinny jeans with black boots. I kinda looked similar to the ex-bartender next to me. He looked down at me and chuckled.

"I love you too, (Y/N)." He bent down slightly and kissed my cheek. My face flushed with the color red. We were on a date together, and we have been dating for two years. We were heading to Russia Sushi, where we would eat. We finally reached Russia Sushi, where Simon was passing out flyers. He turned and looked at us.

"Oh, Shizuo! (Y/N)! Here on date?" He asked us, with his deep Russian accent.

"Yo, Simon. Yeah, we're currently on a date." Shizuo told him. I pulled out the coupon from my purse.

"Oh, Simon, we have a coupon today!" I showed the Russian. He smiled.

"Oh! You have coupon? You enter in here. Be with you shortly!" He ushered us in, and we sat down at a nearby table.

"Where did you get the coupon from?" Shizuo asked me.

"A little while ago, I went out to meet up with my friends, and Simon handed me a coupon and told me to come by sometime. So, I kinda figured, why not use it now?" I told him.

"Oh okay, but I'm still going pay for the meal, okay?" He smiled gently. I blushed.

"Okay Shi-kun, if you insist.." I said shyly. He chuckled at my expression.

"You're so cute, (Y/N)." He bent over the table and kissed my lips. I blushed extremely, and I kissed back. He pulled back and smiled as he planted a kiss to my forehead. He sat back down and placed his sunglasses inside of his vest as Simon came over to the table.

"Ready to order?" He asked us. Shizuo nodded his head.

"Oh, Simon, we'll have some of your nigiri, and we'll both have green tea for our drinks."

"Good, good! Be back with order!" He gave us a thumbs up and walked out of the room. We talked while Simon was preparing our food, laughing and blushing the entire time.

"Shi-kun, you're like my best friend! Whenever something very bad happens to his girlfriend, he rushes over there without a second thought." I blush as I compare my boyfriend to my friend. He smiles.

"Of course, (Y/N). I would do anything to protect you, even if it meant risking my life." He gave me an innocent and genuine look. I blushed heavily.

"Y-You would do that for me? I'm so grateful that I have a boyfriend like you. I really do love you, Shizuo." Shizuo's eyes widened at my statement.

"I love you too, (Y/N). And it's the first time you've called me by my real name!" He chuckled.

"H-Hey! What's wrong with calling you Shi-kun?" I protested. He laughed.

"Nothing! It's just, I don't call you by a nickname." He got flustered. I laughed as well.

"Well, if you're gonna call me by a nickname, then you can call me (N/N)-chan, but you don't have to." I suggested shyly.

"If you say so, (N/N)-chan." He said in a sly voice. I got a little scared as he leaned closer to my side of the table. He smirked.

"S-Shi-kun..?" I leaned back a little bit. He had a dangerous look on his face, and with that, he fully leaned over and claimed my lips again. I slightly whined through the kiss, the moment getting to me. He suddenly pulled back with a smirk on his face. I quickly kissed his cheek, causing him to quickly heat up.

"Shi-kun, you're just so adorable!" I complimented him. He quickly sat back down and faced the other way.

"S-Shut up." He spat out in an embarrassed voice. He reached his hand out and pinched my cheek lightly. He then padded the area he pinched. I pouted a little, and I saw him chuckle slightly.

"Okay, here with nigiri for you two! And drinks too. Enjoy!" Simon came into our room and placed our food down on the table, along with our drinks.

"Thanks, Simon!" We both said. He walked out of the room, and we ate our food.

~Time Skip to after dinner~

We were walking around the city just after Shizuo paid the remaining amount for the dinner, and my eyes instantly glued to the city lights like a newborn child exploring the outside world. There were tons of people all around us. The streets were filled with life, and it looked amazing. At night, Ikebukuro always came to life, and that was what always made me stare at the city like never before. 'I wish this could happen more often...' I wished silently. It has been a while since we were alone on a beautiful night like this. Sure, Shizuo would take me out on dates, but most of the time, Izaya would interfere, and it would ruin the entire date. Shaking me out of my thoughts, he grabbed my hand.

"Where are we going, Shi-kun?" I asked him, but he continued to take the lead. Eventually, we ended up in a deserted, serene area, where he pulled me to show me the illuminated stairs adjacent to the Animate center. He motioned for me to turn around, and I saw a view of the lights and people below us.

"Shizuo, this place is...amazing..!" I told him. He smiled at me as I gaped at the view this place had to offer. He suddenly pulled me down on my knees, and I saw that he was already on his. He took my right hand in with his left, and looked deeply into my (E/C) orbs.

"(Y/N), you have been the best girlfriend I will ever have. You are kind, cheerful, and you always bring a smile to my face. You taught me that this monstrous strength that I possess, isn't so monstrous. (Y/N), I love you from the bottom of my heart, and with that, I ask you, will you do me the honor of becoming my lovely wife?" He pulled out a beautiful case with diamond ring. I cried tears of pure bliss.

"Yes Shizuo. Yes! I would love to be your wife." I hugged him tightly and cried into his chest, careful not to knock the case out of his hand. He patted my head and hugged me back. I looked up at him and connected my lips with his.

He carried me home in his arms, while I was thinking about how lucky I was.

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