Costume Party Extra Scene

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(A/N): Hello everyone. I know I have not updated this book ever since I wrote the lemon, but I will be making a small extra scene to officially end Costume Party, since the lemon didn't really conclude things. I hope you all enjoy :)

"Ow..." I woke up and lightly patted my hip, remembering last night. It was sore, no doubt, but it wasn't a sore that I hated. I squinted as the bright rays of sunshine invaded the room. To the right of me was Shizuo, who was asleep like a log. I gently pulled the sheets off of me and wrapped them around his well-built frame.

I smiled as I bent over to my right to lightly kiss his cheek before carefully getting off the bed to stretch and cook breakfast. I picked up one of Shizuo's white dress shirts off of the floor and wore it as I made my way downstairs.

I heard Shizuo's footsteps down the stairs as I finished making french toast and eggs for us both. As I was cleaning the frying pan, Shizuo's hands gently caressed my waist before his arms fully embraced me in a hug. I smiled as I put the pan down in the sink and rested my hands on his arms. 

"Good morning (Y/N)." Shizuo's voice was soft and delicate as he spoke into my right ear. His hands gently rubbed my waist as his voice continued, asking me, "Are you feeling okay?"

"I feel good Shizuo. If anything, I'm a bit sore." I replied, rubbing my waist as well. 

"I'm sorry, I should have been gentler..." Shizuo said. I could hear the guilt in his voice.

"You did amazing Shizuo. What are you talking about?" I spun around whilst in his embrace to tap his nose. "There's no need to be so hard on yourself, silly." I looked up at him and smiled happily and reassuringly.

Shizuo smiled a bit and kissed my nose before nuzzling his face into my hair. He let go after a while and we eventually ate breakfast and got dressed before going out for a walk around the city.


As we walked around Ikebukuro, I felt uncomfortable wearing a white scarf around my neck while it was 84°F out. I felt like ripping it off because it was suffocating my neck but I had to wear it in order to cover the hickeys that he gave me on my neck.

"Shizuo! (Y/N)!" I turned around with Shizuo to see Shinra and Celty walking towards us. I gulped nervously as I pulled the scarf higher around my neck. I acted calm as we both greeted them.

"Hey Shinra and Celty. How are you two doing?"

"Fine, but we're just really hot since it's 84° out. Where were you guys headed to?" Shinra asked us.

"No place really. We were just walking around the city." Shizuo replied nonchalantly. I felt the soreness kicking in again and I casually leaned on him for support. I saw Shinra staring at my neck with a surprised look before asking me the one question I was scared of hearing.

"(Y/N), why are you wearing a scarf when it's hot?" Shizuo and I both awkwardly chimed in to answer the question.

"Well, it's cause (Y/N) felt like wearing one."

"Well that and I just thought it went with my outfit y'know?"

We both laughed awkwardly before Celty typed something on her PDA and showed it to me only.

'You didn't wear the scarf to be fashionable, right?' I nervously looked to my left and saw Shizuo distracting Shinra by talking to him. I nodded slightly at Celty and whispered to her.

"To tell the truth, I wore it because Shizuo gave me a few hickeys yesterday and I didn't want anyone to see them."

'You did it with Shizuo last night?'

"Yeah we did. He promised he would after my ankle healed."

"Hey! What are you two talking about?" Shinra chimed in in our conversation.

"Nothing! I was just asking Celty about a few things." Shinra looked at me suspiciously before lightly smirking. He then dismissed his suspicions.

"Okay then. It was fun talking with you two, but we have to go now. Bye!" As Shizuo and I turned around and walked away, Shinra shouted my name. "Oh and (Y/N)!"

I turned around and saw Shinra fully smirking. Uh oh.

"Make sure your love bites heal before you two do it again~."

Immediately, I gasped and blushed as I saw Shizuo's face light up in red as well.

Shizuo shouted at Shinra before he ran towards the underground doctor in embarrassment and rage.

"SHINRA SHUT UP YOU PEREVRTED FREAK!" Shizuo grabbed Shinra and was going to shake his shoulders violently before Celty stopped him. I giggled as I walked back to the three of them, with Shizuo's face turned to the side to hide his blush while Shinra was still giggling.

"If you guys do it, there's no need to hide it. We know you two get lovey dovey~." Shinra said before Shizuo grabbed my hand and we left the two.

"There's no need to leave! We understand-Ow! Celty that hurt!" I could hear Shinra continue to ramble on behind us as we walked further down the sidewalk.

"Ow...I'm sorry Shizuo, but the walking is hurting me." We stopped as I patted my hip again. He gently smiled at mas he patted my head.

"Let me carry you then (Y/N)."

Shizuo then bent down and hoisted me onto his back as he continued walking. I was shocked at first, but then I realized that Shizuo was just doing what he always does.

"...Shizuo you're such a sweet gentleman. I love you." I said, hugging his neck sweetly as he carried me through the city.

"And I love you too (Y/N)."

Unbeknownst to us, Shinra and Celty stayed on the sidewalk, watching us walk away the whole time.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2018 ⏰

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