Birthday Surprise (Part 2/2)

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(A/N): Sorry this part took so long guys! I'm having finals week next week, and I was studying, so I didn't really have much time. This may seem rushed, so just bear with me. I promise that when I get on summer vacation, I will be updating at a much more faster pace than I am now. Okay, so now that we got that over with, don't forget to vote, comment, follow, etc. after this part. Enjoy the story! (⌒▽⌒) (F/A) stands for Favorite Animal.

"Celty, could you pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees?" I hear Shinra from the other side of the kitchen. Shinra and Celty are in charge of preparing the oven and the pan while Shizuo and I are in charge of mixing the ingredients together to create the batter.

"Shizuo, could you hand me the flour and cocoa powder?" He reaches out for the ingredients that we already prepared. He handed me both of them. "Thank you." I add the flour and cocoa powder in the chocolate mixture that we made previously at the stove. I hand the bowl over to Shizuo. "Could you mix while I add the egg in?" He nods his head and smiles.

"Of course." He slowly mixes the batter and once the ingredients have been mixed well, I add in the egg, and he mixes at a little faster pace now. After about one minute of good mixing, he's finally done.

"Shinra, is the pan prepared?" Shinra turns around and nods his head at my response. Shizuo hands Celty the bowl, and she carefully pours the batter into the pan. I open the oven and she places the pan into the oven to bake for 1 hour. While the cake is baking, we all head into my living room to talk. We all hear the oven beep after what seemed like only 10 minutes of talking. Celty puts on an oven mitt and opens the oven. She pulls out the pan with the cake and she gently places it on the counter. She grabs a toothpick and sticks it into the cake to see if it is fully baked. She gently pulls it out, examines it, and then places it next to the pan to type on her PDA.

"The cake is fully baked. Now all we need to do is make the icing." I smile as we all pitch in to make the icing for the cake. After about 5 minutes, the icing is ready, and I lightly spread the icing on the surface of the freshly baked chocolate cake. Once I'm done, Shinra prepares to sing Happy Birthday for Shizuo, but Shizuo puts his right hand out in front of Shinra and says a firm "No singing.", causing Shinra to close his mouth while I giggle. I motion for Shizuo to take a seat while I place the chocolate cake infront of him.

"Happy Birthday, Shizuo! We all love you!" Shinra grabs three plates for him, Shizuo, and me. I grab a knife and I cut the cake, giving an equal amount for all three of us. For the rest of the time, we eat our slice of cake while we all have a friendly chat. As Shizuo and Shinra are talking on one side of the table, Celty taps me on the shoulder.

"Do you have the present ready?" She shows me her message and I smile.

"Yep! All I need to do is give it to him. But I don't know if he'll like it though..." I whisper to her. Celty shakes her helmet.

"Nonsense! Shizuo will love the gift. ^_^ Shinra and I are going to go now, so go give him that present! :)." I nod my head and Celty turns to Shinra to tell him that they are going.

"That's right! We have to head home because Celty and I are going to miss our show!" Shinra gets up and heads towards the door, with Celty behind him. Shizuo gets up and heads towards the door to greet them goodbye. Celty looks at me and nods, signaling me to go get my present. I nod in reply and I go into my pantry and I pull out the medium sized box that holds my gift for him. I hear them say bye to each other before the door closes. I quickly head back to my seat at the table while Shizuo walks back. Right when Shizuo is about to hug me, I place the present in front of his chest.

"Here Shizuo. It's a gift I made for you for your birthday! I don't know if you'll like it though..." Shizuo smiles and he pecks my cheek.

"You know I would love anything you give to me, (Y/N)." He takes the box out of my hands and opens it, revealing a decorated framed picture of when we went out on our first date. It was a selfie that I took with Shizuo after he won me a plush of a (F/A). It showed Shizuo smiling, with his bright white teeth showing, and me on the other side, smiling widely as well. The plush was put above Shizuo's head without him knowing about it. Shizuo smiles as he looks at the frame. He turns to look at me.


"Yeah?" Shizuo comes up to me, places the frame on the the table and lifts me up off the ground, planting a sweet kiss to my lips. We pull back after a minute because of the lack of air.

"I love the gift. And I want to tell you thank you for throwing a small party for me today. I really love you, (Y/N)." Shizuo puts me down and he embraces me in a tight hug.

"I love you too, Shizuo." I try to speak as my face is buried in his chest. I hear a light chuckle from him as he kisses the top of my head.

"I love you more than you'll ever know, (Y/N)." His birthday was a success, and everything went perfectly. I couldn't have a better boyfriend than Heiwajima Shizuo.

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