Costume Party (Part 2/3)

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(A/N): Finally, a continuation after all this time! Truth be told, I've been gone for a while not only because of school, but because of my trip to Japan. I was lucky enough to stay right in Ikebukuro at Sunshine City Prince Hotel! I may make another book with the pictures of the Durarara!! locations in real life if you guys want to see.

(Y/N) - your name. (Taki x Mitsuha FOREVER)

*1 week after Izaya’s party*

"Oww..." I propped my leg up onto the table as Shizuo placed some ice onto my sprained ankle.

"Well, it's a good thing you had sick leave. With this ankle, you wouldn't be able to go to work." I nodded bitterly.

"What about you Shizuo? Don't you have work?" He shook his head.

"Nope. I took the day off actually. I stayed because I wanted to take care of you." Shizuo plopped down on the couch next to me. He wrapped an arm around my waist. Suddenly, I felt and urge to go to the bathroom.

"Umm, Shizuo? I need to go to the bathroom." Shizuo stared at me silently, as if he was telling me, "Why are you telling me this? Just go.", until I pointed at my ankle.

"Oh that's right. You can't walk." Shizuo slid his hands under my back and legs and carried me. "I'm sorry I forgot, (Y/N)." He looked at me softly. I waved a hand in front of my face, signaling it was no big deal.

"No, it's okay Shizuo. This sprained ankle is new, so I'll probably forget I have one too." As Shizuo walked over to the bathroom, he pecked my cheek, to which I smiled.

"I'll just stand outside." He closed the door as I used it.


I opened the door after washing my hands. Shizuo saw me as he quickly lifted me up again and carried me back to the couch.

A long, awkward silence emerged between the two of us.

Shizuo gave a sigh as he looked at my ankle.

"So," Shizuo started. "what do you wanna do?"

"Stay at home, I guess?" Even more awkward silence. "...I'd love to go outside, but I'm crippled."

"Everyone would be able to see your ankle out in public though." I lowered my eyes sadly. Shizuo saw this and thought hard before quickly picking up my white socks. He started to put them on my feet.

"Shizuo! What are you doing?" Shizuo carried me bridal style.

"I don't wanna see you sulking inside our apartment because of your ankle, so I'm gonna take you outside." Shizuo gave me a sweet smile, but I still had to question him.

"How though? I thought you said taking me outside-"

"I said taking you outside in public. We're gonna go outside, but not in public." Shizuo started to head towards the door.

"Where are we gonna go?" Shizuo's only reply was,

"Hold on tight!"

Shizuo opened the door, locked it and climbed to the top of our apartment complex with me in one arm. I hugged his neck tightly as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop, allowing me to breathe in the fresh afternoon air. I screamed in fear of heights, the adrenaline getting to me.

"Shizuo! I'm scared!" I buried my face into the crook of his neck, closing my eyes tightly.

"Don't worry I've got you!" Shizuo continued running until he stopped. Once he did, he nudged my face as a signal for me to open my eyes.

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