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(A/N): Hello everyone! It has been forever ever since I even updated! School just takes up so much of your time I swear. I don't know if there's any feels. I'll still be taking any requests; they may take a while to fulfill, but they will definitely be posted, so if you wanna bring your feels back, how's the time. But, nevertheless, this doesn't have much fluff in it, but it's kinda funny (to me at least (^_^')). I hope you enjoy the song (English lyrics aren't available here, but you can look them up online. It'll help to understand kinda what's going on).

"Shizu-chaaann...song...let's sing shong! Hehe~!" Her speech was heavily slurred, and she laid across the edge of the couch on her back, microphone held loosely in her hand. Her cheeks were flushed a rosy red, and her (E/C) orbs sparkled behind her half lidded eyes. The TV was left on the menu, waiting for her to pick a song. Countless drinks littered the table, along with food.

"Let's shee..." She lifted the microphone to her mouth. "I love Shichuo-chaaann...Ah! Hehehe~!" She rolled off the couch and fell on the floor. She dropped the microphone, causing a loud ring.

"Come on, (Y/N). We need to go home. It's late already." Shizuo got up from the couch and went around the table to reach (Y/N). They needed to go home quickly because Shizuo didn't want (Y/N) to get anymore drunk. After all, she was gonna have a bad hangover once she woke up in the morning. He picked up her body and held her in his arms while she freaked out.

"Ah! I'm bein' kidnap!" She then looked up and saw that it was Shizuo. "Oh it's just you, Shichuo. Yay! I'm not bein' kidnap!" She laid on her left side and traced circles on Shizuo's chest, quickly becoming silent.

'She's probably just tired.' Shizuo convinced. He wanted to face palm, but he couldn't.

'I shoulda listened to my gut...' Shizuo knew that this mess was gonna happen, once they walked through that dreaded door.

         ~Flashback to this afternoon~

"Where should we go now, Shizuo?" After showing her the West Gate Park, they re-entered the station to get back to the east side.

"Um, I really don't know. Is there any place you wanna go to?" (Y/N) thought about it for a while, but couldn't think of any other place.

"No, not really." They kept walking until (Y/N) came across a karaoke bar, right across the street from the Lotteria. She unexpectedly stopped in front of the building while Shizuo kept walking.

"Karaoke." Shizuo appeared back at her side. "Have you ever been to a karaoke bar?" She shook her head while looking at the entrance.

"No, but I've always wanted to go to one." Suddenly, her face lit up. "I know! We should go here! You haven't been to one either right?" When he shook his head, (Y/N) took his hand and entered the building.

"Uh, I don't think we should be here." Shizuo could hear loud singing through the booths, and the slurred speeches of various drunks. The voice inside of him told him something bad was going to happen if they stayed here. "You're gonna get drunk. If that happens, then chances are you're gonna have a pretty bad hangover in the morning." (Y/N) checked the time with her phone. It read 5:45 PM.

"It's not like I'll get super drunk. I don't even drink that much, and besides, it's only 5:45. After an hour or two, we can leave. Please?" Shizuo sighed.

"Fine, we'll stay for at least two hours. I just wanna stay longer because I want to see you sing." (Y/N) felt her cheeks heat up, but then quickly hid it as he paid for the night and entered a booth with her.

-Roll out the Time Skip-

Shizuo ordered some food and drinks while (Y/N) picked a song. He ordered a few alcoholic drinks, but it should be nothing too much for them to get very drunk.

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