After School Confession

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(A/N): So, this is the second part to my story! (Yay!) Anyways, I wanted to tell you guys that the parts will not be going in a certain order. The parts to this story will be random, and will not follow any sort of story line, so I just wanted to let you guys know. Anyways, on with the story! :)

The afternoon sun shined through the windows of the prestigious Raira Academy. It was 4:50 PM, and all the students had already left after the long day.

"Shizuo-kun!" The young male turned around to face the (H/C) haired girl. It was just the two them after school. They had to stay after school to finish a project that was due. They turned it in, and the blond just began walking home, until his partner called his name.

"What?" He nonchalantly replied. She walked up to him until she was right beside him.

"Umm..I was wondering if you would like to walk home together. You know, since we live close to each other and all.." She tangled her fingers behind her back as she shyly suggested the idea. He glanced down at her, just said a simple, "Okay sure.", and they were on their way.


It was awkward, to say the least. It was silent until they exited campus grounds, when Shizuo decided to break the ice.

"So, uh, (Y/N), not quite the talker, huh?" He gazed down at her as she made her reply.

"Yeah, I don't really talk as much, but I could say the same for you, Shizuo! I mean, I always see you with your friend Shinra..." The girl became scared. She started to regret saying that because she thought it would have angered him, and the last thing she wanted was to be flung high into the air. To her surprise, however, Shizuo just chuckled.

"I guess you're right. I just kinda..stuck to Shinra. I mean, he's a good friend, but, he might be my only friend.." The blond stared at the sunset with a depressed look painted across his face. (Y/N) immediately faced the young male.

"B-But, aren't I your friend too?" She stared into his eyes that were focused on the sky. When they shifted to look into hers, she quickly looked at his uniform, red tinting her cheeks.

"Yeah, we're friends. It's just, I never hang out with you..." He looked to the side, a rising heat teasing his cheeks as well.

" you wanna start hanging..out...?" She suggested. He grinned at her.

"Okay. I'll hang out with you." And with that, they continued their walk home. Soon enough, they were already at their neighborhood.

"'s getting late. I should probably..head..home now.." The female student motioned for him to look at the sky. He complied and saw that the sky had gotten dark fast. Noticing the tone of her voice, the blond student asked (Y/N) about it.

"How come your voice was so..depressing?" The words struck the girl's heart.

"It's just that..I wanted to tell you something, but..I couldn't..since it's already dark," She turned away from him, and began to walk to her house in a fast pace, red teasing her cheeks again. Shizuo came to her from behind and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Why don't you tell me right now? I mean, were outside already, and it won't take long, right?" She turned to face him, and took a deep sigh.

"Okay, I'll tell you. You see, you!" She faced down as she spoke those words. "And, it's okay if you don't like me...I understand that your heart already belongs to another girl.." She added as she felt threatening tears poke at her eyes. Shizuo was a little shocked, but settled his expression with a soft smile.

"Oh. That's right. I remember saying that my heart belonged to another girl.." The girl was silently wiping her waterfall of tears away, when Shizuo used his right hand to lift her chin up. "..and do you want to know who that girl is?" Not knowing what he was going to say, she hesitantly said, "Who?", as her crying finally settled. Being as honest as he could, (Y/N) was taken aback by his final word.


He gave her one last smile before claiming her lips forever his. 

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