"It's a deal"

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Marco couldn't tell if it was all real or not. He looked down and observed his hands. He seemed to be the only thing in full color, whereas everything else was coated in a grey, dull blur. What he found to be the most odd was that even Star, who was fast asleep on the couch, was drained of her colors.

Marco jumped, startled, by the sound of an echoed laugh. He could have sworn that wasn't the first time he had heard the specific laugh, either. He spun briefly around and found someone familiar. A yellow triangle with a black bow and top hat was staring at him with his only cat-like eye.

"Well, if it isn't Yin Yang!" Bill remarked with his hands on his hips. "You've kept me waiting a while to finally meet with you in person!"

"Wait a minute. You're that demon back from the other dimension. What's your deal? What are you doing here?"

"My deal is with you, kid. I need a new puppet, you see? My old one has been...cut by its strings."

Marco made a face, not able to see exactly what Bill was talking about. "What are you saying?"

"Look, Little Red Riding Hood." Bill echoed, yet couldn't resist to chuckle at his nickname.

"Don't call me that." Marco said, coolly as he stuffed his hands in his sweater pockets.

"Oh, come on! Just one puppet wouldn't hurt!" Bill wailed.

Marco turned to stare down at Star as she slept. He felt so at peace watching her that he hadn't even noticed a smile creeping on his face. She supported her head with her hand and curled her legs into her in a fetal position.

If Bill had a mouth, he would be smiling, too. "Seems like you and Devil Horns are pretty close."

Marco looked back up at Bill, remembering he was there. His smile was gone. "Well, yeah I guess so. I mean, that's the way it's always been."

"Now, why would that be?" Bill pushed, playing with Marco's mind.

"I-I don't really know exactly. It's just...she knows how to make me smile." Marco dropped his eyes and shrugged, his smile reappearing. "How she makes me laugh when I've had a bad day. And then, I always repay her by cheering her up when Oskar doesn't call."

Bill snickered before speaking. "Won't be long until she's shipped off to princess reform school when you both return home. Her parents will find her eventually and when they do, she won't come back. She'll become a completely different person after reform school - a proper princess who's only concern is being queen. You'll drift apart faster than when you first met her. Now, I don't think you'd want that, would you?"

Marco's eyes became empty and lost in thought. Bill was right. Star's parents would be furious when Star and Marco both come back from Gravity Falls. Her parents will think she's irresponsible and send her off to Saint Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses. "What?! No way! I can't let her get sent to Saint O's! There's gotta be another way."

"Tell you what, pretty boy. You get me a puppet and I'll give you a stronger relationship with Blondie over there." Bill said with depth as he gestured to Star. "A relationship that will last an eternity!" Bill raised his arms up in the air and his yellow color changed to the infinity of space.

"I-I don't know." Marco mumbled. His mind became so scrambled that he couldn't think straight anymore.

To sell him more on the deal, Bill told him, "Your friendship with Devil Horns is at stake, kid! I can help you. So...is it a deal?" Bill outstretched his hand, which was engulfed in blue flames.

"Fine. Star is my best friend. I'd do anything for her." Marco made no more hesitation. He reached out and shook Bill's hand, lighting up his own hand in the fire that sealed the deal. "It's a deal." He said, before realizing his fatal mistake.

Bill's devilish laugh howled louder than ever. Marco tried to release his hand from the demon's grip, but the abnormally tight hold was hopeless.

Then, he woke up.

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