One Night's Dream

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As I toss and turn in my sleep, my nightmares take me to the worst of scenarios...

Those dark, dark shadows crowd around me and dance; roaring with laughter.

" You will fall." They say.

" Please, leave me alone!"

The persistency of the spirits are stronger than my ounce of pride.

They grab me by my arms and drag me to the open window.

" We've brought you to your death. JUMP!"

They release me from their tight grip, and I stand at the very edge.

I am speechless as I stare down at the frozen cars and the inevitable carelessness of people.

" Maybe I want to jump... Maybe I want to fall from this Earth and NEVER return! "

Without another thought, I jump from the window.

My head falls into blackness...


I wake up in a cold sweat.

I startle my heart with a loud scream.

Once my heart settles, I lie back down and stare at the ceiling.

" It's all in one night's dream. " I tell myself...

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