✌🏽Peace Granting, Peace Out✌🏽

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What will grant you peace?

Be honest with me.

What will really grant you peace?

Will my absence do so?

If I step out of the abode,

will you have peace,

If I studied 'till my brain bursted,

perfected my work,

will you have peace?

If I drowned my head in Society's common sense,

rid my stupidity,

will you have peace?

If I cut my short, thick ugly hair,

will you have peace?

How 'bout if I put a seal on my lips,

and simply nodded at your questions?

Will that grant you peace?

If none of these things work, I have a backup "peace" plan:

How 'bout I take a bullet to the head?

Then, you don't ever have to worry about

the lack of peace ever again.

Bang. Bang.

Peace out.

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