Being Human (Too Difficult)

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It's times like these...

These are the times that I wish I never existed.

My Life Water is much too sour for me.

I keep stressin'.

I try to think before I speak.

How can you think with a scattered mind? Scattered thoughts?

However, idiotic things still come out of my mouth, and I can ruin any moment.

I embarrass easily - way too easily.

So, what do people do?

They steer clear of  me -

That weird kid that knows she doesn't have a reason to be here; yet, she's still trying to make herself relevant.

Conscience says,"If you're existing instead of living, then you don't have a reason to live."

She's right.

So, why am I here, exactly?

" Everyone has a reason to be here!"

"Keep trying! Don't give up!"

I wish that I could evaporate into the air.

Just disappear in one short second.

Being human is too difficult.

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