Loneliness Monster

81 20 19


Yeah, that's right.

Run away from me,

just like those people in the movies.

They see me,

then they run.

"Oh, god, the sight is horrible!"

"Everybody run for your life!"

Go ahead, run.

Run while you still can.

Run away before you get the chance to understand me.

I won't hurt you.

I promise I won't bite.

Since no one stayed around long enough to hear me,

I'll just let them run away -

and scare them while I'm at it.

Then, I'll hide away in a place

where no one will dare to set foot in.

The loneliness hasn't gone anywhere, yet.

People have ran.

People keep running.

Run away from the big, black, scary, sad little monster.

Her tears will hydrate the sorrow around her.

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