The Struggle

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Knife: "Hello, darling."

X: *Tries to ignore the loud calling.*

Knife: "You know you hear me calling you. Come here!"

X: She walks into the empty room.

Knife: "I've been missing you. You never pay any attention to me, anymore."

X: "I...I've been trying to abstain you."

Knife: "What for, love? I didn't do anything wrong."

X: "You're no good for me."

Knife: "Darling, you know that I am. Stop lying to yourself."

X: "You're dangerous. I have to stay away from you."

Knife: "Stay away from me?! I was there when you needed me!"

X: "You scarred me."

Knife: "That was long ago!"

X: "But, your scars are still there - all over me."

Knife: " Come on...You know you want me. I make you feel good. Don't you wanna feel good?"

X: "You hurt me!"

Knife: "But it hurts so good..."

She gives in.

X: I want you so badly. I need you."


Knife: "That's my girl. Cutting is good for you. This is home...Welcome home."

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