Chapter 4

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The next day

Jeff woke up kind of early than everyone else, so he decide he should go to the cafeteria of the asylum. It's was 8:30 in the morning, so he thought the breakfast would be hot. He started picking out the stuff he wanted from the breakfast line, once he finished he turned around and saw a blonde hair girl sitting down at a table already eating.

The girl felt like someone was staring at her so decided to look up. There it was brown eyes to green eyes, they both didn't blink whatsoever. Then someone grabbed the shoulders of the blonde girl, she jumped so hard. "Ash, don't scare me like that." Trish said trying to calm down her heart.

"Sorry you were just blankly staring." Ashley said as she stole a piece of bacon off of Trish plate.

"No I wasn't, there was a guy, with green eyes was staring at me. Right over there." Trish pointed to the area where the guy was.

Ashley looked where she pointed and was completely confused. "Trish, there is no guy in here with green eyes even in here. We came here to get help, but you are still stuck in your old ways, Trish drugs can kill you, ya know."

"What we only been here two days trust me, I didn't touch any drugs. There really was a guy with green eyes staring at me." Trish argued.

Sure it was, Trish, just promise me you will stop taking drugs. Ashley said and proceeded to stand up.


No buts, promise me.

Fine I'll stop. Trish said and Ashley left, I didn't even take any, she mumbled under her breathe.
(Matt and Jeff shares a room, so that is where this scene takes place. They also have bunk beds.)

Matt, Matt, Matt! Wake up! Matt jumped out of bed but hit his head on the top bunk.

What the f-

Okay Matt before you curse me out just listen to me. Jeff said.

Fine, what do ya want. Matt said rubbing his head.

It's this new girl, she is so beautiful. She just had a glow around her, her looks were on point. She looked up and our eyes met, but then I assumed her friend came over to her, I chickened out and ran back here. Jeff said.

Hey, if you think it may be something there pursue it. Matt advised his brother.

"Matt, that's the problem you know every woman that I had in my life, is gone in someway, shape, or form. To me that girl with the blonde hair was pure perfection, by staring in her eyes I could also tell she's been hurt before, but she still has a great heart. If I dated her she probably want to kill herself."

"Jeff stop basing stuff off of past relationships, okay. I know we haven't had much luck in our lives, but we're hear to change that. To see the cup half full instead of half empty." Matt tried to cheer up Jeff.

No, how can you always be so positive, every woman that ever came into our lives are gone. I didn't want to come here to get help, okay. You did, I was alright having my life broke into a million pieces. These people, that girl, and this place won't change my paradigm! Jeff cried and stormed out of the room.

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