Chapter 7

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(A few weeks later)

Trish come outside with me for a minute? Jeff asked.

What's up? Trish said as she followed Jeff to he outside area of the building.

Why are you really here? You, Ash, and Amy have been absolutely calm. I hate being here, I'm really ready to leave, but y'all are just happy all the time. Jeff stated.

Hey, they do say people who hurt the most smiles the brightest. Trish stated.

I know but this place is not natural at all, I really didn't even want to come here. I wanted to stay to myself, alone. Jeff said.

What happened to you to get you like the way you are? Trish asked.

I, I lost pretty much everyone that makes me happy, besides Matt and my father. Jeff eyes started watering.

I'm sorry, she hugged Jeff and rubbed his back.

"My mother and every girl that ever brought me joy is gone, Matt's only here to comfort me, nothing is really wrong with him. After our mother past, we took the pain differently. He stood up to take responsibility along with our father, while I cried and stayed in my room. Each one of my girlfriends hurt me some way, shape or form. The first two cheated on me and the last one past away in a accident. I pretty much sworn off relationships all together." Jeff honestly cried out.

"Trish was crying as well, I know exactly what you mean. I sworn off relationships too. My first boyfriend or would you rather say fiancé "left me at the alter," I was so broken up about it and I started drugs. The next situation involved Amy and Ashley as well, the guys we dated were best friends. What all three of us didn't know about them was their past. They were sex offenders, they raped and abused us, we hid from them. A week after we hid, I found out I was pregnant. I was happy, completely but then, just two weeks after that, I had an car accident. Amy, Ashley, and I had cuts a bruises, but I lost my baby." Trish cried and Jeff hugged her back.

"I'm sorry Trish, I didn't know." Jeff apologized.

"It's no reason to be sorry, you didn't do anything." Trish and Jeff stared into each other's eyes. There lips were mere inches apart, but then Amy came over to them.

Hey Jeff, Trish. Can I cut in and just talk to Trish for a moment.

Yeah cool, talk to y'all later. Jeff said and went back inside of the asylum.

Trish I saw that. Amy said.

Saw what? Trish smiled.

Why, were you about kiss him. Amy said and Trish rolled her eyes.

He's sweet, you know how he is. Trish smiled.

Excuse me, I don't want you getting hurt again by any guy. Amy sighed.

I won't, it's something about Jeff that tells me he wouldn't hurt a fly. Trish smiled thinking about him.

Trish, you don't need him, trust me I know what's best for you. Amy said.

You really don't, I have a good feeling that me and him will actually work out. I want to get better but, you always try to make me and Ashley follow in your footsteps and I'm sick of it. Worry a little less about me and focus on yourself. Trish stormed back inside the building.

Amy was left in the courtyard dumbfounded. Okay, if she get hurts don't come me. Amy said and went back inside.

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