Chapter 14

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Jeff grew sick both physically and mentally as the weeks went by, Trish laid in his bed next to him trying to keep him calm. "Jeff, please stay calm I can't possibly think about them taking you away from me."

"Fine, but I'm not sure how much longer I can take this." he got off his bed and threw the pillow at the ground. "I want to go, this feels like a prison."

She sat up on the bed "Jeff it's not that bad, we came here for help this will be over soon, hopefully." She looked down towards the ground.

"Look, you don't even believe what you just said." He took a moment to catch his breath."I want out, I'm going to leave soon."

Her eyes widen. "When? Where are you going?" Trish glanced up towards him.

"Far from here, are you with me or are you against me?"

She stood up and walked to him. They were face to face, they stared right at one another. "I always will be with you but, Jeff where are you, I mean we going."

"I haven't thought that far yet, but I'll talk to Matt and the others, we will be leaving soon, so be ready." She was about to ask another question but that's when Jeff collapsed to the floor. She gasped.

"Jeff!" She immediately went to his aid. "Are you okay?" she panicked.

He slowly sat up. " I think so, I just blacked out for a moment."

"Do you need the nurse?"

"No" he stated plainly. "I just need to lay down." She nodded and walked him over to his bed. He laid down and Trish was putting back on her shoes as she was about to leave. "Where exactly are you going?"

"You said you had to rest so I was leaving." Trish looked at him.

"Actually I said I had to lay down, I still want you here. Your presence is a cure." She blushed at his comment. She took her shoes off and climbed back in to the bed with him. She lightly placed a kiss on his lips. Then they cuddled up with one another as they drifted to sleep.

////Jeff's Dream\\\

*the sounds of wedding bells played*

There he and Trish stood among their family and friends. Matt stood behind Jeff as his best man, and both Lita and Ashley stood near Trish as her maids of honor. Jeff look among the crowd and two people really stuck out to him. His father and his mother was sitting front row. Jeff couldn't take his eyes away from her. "Mom?!"

///End of his Dream\\\

"Randy?" Candice walked over to him.

"Yes?" he raised an eye brow.

"This shit is fucking ridiculous." she panicked.

"What is?" Randy wondered

"The reason why I came here. He found us." she panicked."

"Who?" Randy was still confused.

"A very horrible man. Randy, we need to leave here, like ASAP."

"Go round up everyone." Randy said and Candice nodded.
"You know, you aren't as crazy as your brother. I don't understand it, you're very calm even though y'all went through the exact thing." Amy stated towards Matt.

"Well when you, Trish, and Ashley came you were the "rock"

"Well I had to be, Trish and Ashley. They are but more sensitive than me, they needed someone to be strong, because they couldn't afford for me to be weak.

"Well there you go, losing my mother was tough, seeing my brother hurt is devastating as well. Why would I make matters worst by showing him how bad it really affects me." Matt looked at Amy and she didn't speak.

"I'm sorry."

Ames for what? Matt wondered

"For being a jerk to you and your brother."

"Ames it's fine, you changed a lot since then, you're mines."

"I am, aren't I." she hugged him and kissed him.

"Matt!" Candice said

"Yes?" Matt was a bit irritated about Candice breaking up his moment with Amy.

"We need to leave." Candice stated

"What's wrong?" Matt asked

"We will explain later, just come follow me."
My Neroians😂 thanks for reading this chapter, and like always sorry for mistakes. The chapter isn't the best but oh well let me know what ya think😀 it's appreciated.

So yeah.....
See ya in the Future

The Good Side of Tragic EndingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora