Chapter 15

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Wow, I haven't updated this book since November.😅Sorry for the long wait, but I've been busy with school, life, and planning new stories, etc. So here ya go........
Before you read....( guess what you think will happen)
Who's after Maria and Candice?
Where's Phil and Ashley? (😅 I forgot to put them in the last chapter.)
What is Jeff brainstorming?
Will Trish stand by Jeff?
Will they break out in this chapter?
Are Matt and Amy going to work as a couple?

Ashley laid her head on Phil's lap. He played in her hair as she slept. Jeff stormed into Phil's room. "Aye, what are you doing?" He whispered as his angel slept.

"I'm just mapping out this room." Jeff said testing the thickness of the wall.

"Mapping it out for what?" Phil said trying not wake Ashley up.

"Phil I can't take it anymore, I'm going insane in here. All of us need to find a way to bust out this place." Jeff said as he searched the room's entire perimeter.

"Jeff actually you're already insane." Phil said as Jeff glared in his direction. "Jeff if you're going to do this, why can't you do this in your room?" Phil said.

Jeff expressed an determine look on his face. "After everything that's been happening, my room would be the first examined." Jeff said.

Trish finally walked into Phil's room "Jeff,  I don't want you to do anything too irrational." He looked at her.

Ashley slowly woke up. "What's going on?" She asked.

"Jeff's acting like a lunatic as usual." Phil commented.

"If me trying to escape this place makes me a lunatic, then yes, I am one." Jeff commented and Matt along with Randy, John, Candice, Amy, and Maria ran into Phil's room.

"Whoa?! Why ar-  Phil started.

"We need to leave this place." Candice stared.

"You sound like Jeff." Trish laughed.

"I'm not joking, someone is looking for us and being around y'all may have put y'all in danger too." Everyone stared at Candice.

"We're in danger, how?" Lita asked.

"Well Ria and I sorta came to this place to get away from this guy name Hunter."

"And?" Everyone wondered.

"Well we sorta pandered for him."

Everyone besides Ria and Trish were confused what she meant. "Omg, you were prostitutes?!" Trish stated.

"Well, sorta but not really. We basically were his most beloved women, we kept all the other women on task, but we got tired of working illegally. So we sorta took some of his money and got away as fast as we could. This was the closest place, so we hid here and checked ourselves in as patients." Candice explained. Maria looked at the ground. Everyone stared in disbelief.

Trish sat on the bed. "So I guess we do need to leave but how. We all can't leave at once, that would be too suspicious." Trish stated and they all nodded.

"Well Phil, Jeff, Amy and I will come up with a few plans." Ashley stated. "Meanwhile relax." It had taken days for their plans to actually take affect. Hopefully all their hard work would pay off.

Jeff laid in his bed, staring at the ceiling and he sighed. He was excited that they were finally going to be out of the asylum, but he had multiple thoughts of what would happen outside of these walls. Even though he tried to ignore the voice in his heading saying that he would fail, fail in love and life itself.

Matt came into the room and looked at his brother. He looked as if he was completely lost in his Imagination. "Jeff?!" Jeff sat up in his bed and looked at Matt. "What's wrong I thought you would be happier that we're finally breaking out.

"I am, I just can't stop thinking. What if Trish leaves me heartbroken, what if she leaves our relationship just like all the other women in my life had left?"

"Jeff?! Stop thinking like that, Trish is not going to leave you and I can't promise you this, but she's not going to leave your life like Beth and our mom did." Matt sighed. 

Trish sighed. "Ash? Ames? I'm concerned about this. The only reason we were here in the first place is to get help, yet we're trying to break out." She sighed. "Even if this guy does know where Candice and Maria are, I doubt he'll mess with us."

"You heard them, we're still in danger, what if this Hunter man caught one of us, he'll probably torture us. We don't know who they were mixed up with, but Maria and Candice are our friends. We shouldn't take any chances.

"I guess you're right." Trish sighed.

"Trish? Do you not want to leave this place?" Ash asked.

"I do, but I felt so broken before coming here, I don't want to end up like we were before."

"Trish we wouldn't let that happen, Jeff wouldn't let that happen." Ashley said as Trish smiled at the mention of Jeff's name.

"You're right." Trish said.
Hey guys, I'm really am trying to update my stories a lot more, especially if you guy really enjoy the books I put out. So I will try update as often as possible.

So yeah.....
See ya in the Future

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 09, 2018 ⏰

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