Chapter 5

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Later on that day

At the age of 9: Matt and Jeff come here. The Hardy dad said crying. What's wrong dad? Jeff asked as a kid. Your mother passed away, I don't want you to get up set at all, I just wanted y'all to know that for now on things are going to be different. Their dad said and the boys broke out crying and hugged their father. Jeff quickly jumped up his heart was racing. He ran out of the room he shared with his brother and his and another figure collided and fell to the ground. "I'm sorry," then he stared at the girl, it was her from earlier. "I'm so sorry," I didn't see you. Jeff apologized.

It's good trust me, wait, it's you from earlier. You are real!" then she hugged him. He was still completely confused. She pulled back,  "I'm sorry, my friend thought I was crazy because, you kinda wasn't in the cafeteria anymore. Trish slightly laughed.

(Jeff's IT: She's sweet just like I imagined, Wait! Focus, never fall in love again.)

So, um since we're the only ones up, do you want go for a walk through the hallways? Trish asked.

"Nah, I think I should get some sleep." He ran back to his room and closed the door. Trish frowned and began to walk back to her room.

(Trish IT: I thought we had a connection earlier, guess I was wrong. What am I kidding, No one would ever love me.)

Trish walked to her room she shared with Amy. "Ames, can you wake up, I need to talk to you." Trish said.

Amy rubbed her eyes. "What's up?" Trish started crying. "T, why are you crying." Amy said.

Why am I unlikable? Trish cried.

Trish, where is this all coming from? Amy asked concerned.

"The guy from earlier with the green eyes, I saw him again a few moments ago. He seemed sweet until he slammed a door in my face." Trish said.

Trish think about where we are, something happened in everyone lives here, I don't see why you are trying to get with some one that's hurting just like us. We want some joy in our lives, not pain. Amy said and rolled over to fall back to sleep.

Trish crawled up to her bunk and did some heavy thinking, " But he's cute." Trish mumbled then fell fast asleep.

This chapter is kinda sad, so I wanted to brighten up the mood with a corny joke. 😄😄

The Good Side of Tragic EndingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora