Chapter 9

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Jeff and Matt was currently talking about the Incident that just recently occurred. Trish walked over to them. "hey Matt, can I talk to Jeff for a minute?" Trish smiled.

"Yeah, I'll go, give y'all some personal time." Matt said

"Thanks." Trish said

"So, what you want to talk about?" Jeff asked.

"Amy, she can be bit over protective, and she kinda treats me like a kid. I really wish she wouldn't do that. That's the only reason why she cut into our conversation."

"No I understand, I do have a brother who can be overly protective sometimes, but it comes from a good place. Especially after what happened to you I see why."

"Yeah, but we can't all have a "perfect" life." Trish huffed.

"Trust me, I know. So Trish, is that all you wanted, to give me an apology of Lita's actions."

"Actually, I also wanted to know if you would like to maybe, um want to like go out with me." Jeff was lost for words. "You know as in date, boyfriend and girlfriend." Trish bit her looking at the lost expression of Jeff. At moment Jeff started having a mental  breakdown. Everything Matt told him, his mother, and all the thoughts of past relationships came to mind. Jeff just took off running. Trish immediately thought it was something that she did. "I'm so stupid, why would I think he would want me. I'm fat, ugly, and short." Trish sat down at a local table and started crying, with her head down.
In the room

"Dude what's wrong with you, you left Trish out there crying. What did you do?" Matt questioned.

"Momma, Beth." Was all Jeff replied.

Matt looked at Jeff finally realizing what was going on. "Jeff stop that's the reason you're here. Don't think about the past, focus on the future. Jeff plus, I thought you like Trish."

I can't. Jeff said and Matt looked at him confused.

What do you mean you can't?

"What I mean every female that came in my life. Something bad happens to them or they've hurt me. You know my history. I have a curse with relations entirely. Matt we lost our mother, I lost multiple girlfriend. I really have feelings for her. But I can't accept anything to happened to her." Jeff cried. Matt walked over to him and hugged him. They had a brother moment.

"Jeff, don't think like that. Hey I know we haven't upmost luck in our lives but, you can turn that around. You told me in the past, you believe Trish can brighten up your day, make you happy.  If you honestly believe she will. Go get her." Matt said patting his brother back.

"Thanks Matt." Jeff wiped his eyes. "I love you."

"Love you too." Matt said then they had one last hug then Jeff left out the door.

Matt sat in their room and began to fantasize about a certain female. "Can me and Amy have a future? Nah." He shook that thought then left the room as well.

Hello and thanks all you wonderful people for reading and commenting. This story may come to a end soon, only because I want to make more stories. If you would like see a wrestling ship I'm willing to do one this summer.

Jeff and Trish (are set as a couple only because I adore them together.)
I was thinking John with either Torrie Wilson, Maria, or Nikki. (Viewers choice)
I'm going to Matt and Ashley or Lita ( your choice)
AJ Styles and Becky Lynch (because I want them together)
And I'll do Brandy
If anyone else wants any other couples please feel free to comment.
(Still trying to set up the story, it'll be out in this summer though)

See ya next chapter, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!

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