Chapter 6

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Next Day: Morning Time

Matt, Jeff, John, Maria, Candice, Randy, Phil were just chilling sitting at the table, then Matt saw a red hair girl that caught his eye. "Look," Matt said and everyone looked at the trio of the divas.

Matt the short girl with blonde hair is the girl, I was talking about. Jeff said.

"Jeff if that's her, pursue that, trust me. I bet you if you go out with her it's guaranteed that she'll put a smile on your face. Jeff you go after her while I'll get red."  Matt said as he proceeded to walk over to the trio.

"Hey, hey ya heard the man, Jeff I go after the girl with blonde and pink hair." Phil said and followed Matt, until these guys came up to them. "Hey, I'm Phil and you are?"


Cool, um would ya'll like to sit with us? Phil asked.

Sure, I guess. Phil directed her were to sit.

I'm Matt and you are?


Well would you like to sit down with us? Matt asked.

I guess so. Amy followed Matt.

Trish and Jeff stood there in silence. "Hey, um what was your name again. Jeff broke the silence.

It's Trish, I don't believe we change names before, so what's your name?

Oh, it's Jeff and would you like to join our table?

Yeah sure. Trish said and let Jeff lead the way. Everyone got acquainted with each other and became the best of friends.

Tbh: Not the best chapter, plus it's short. I'm so sorry but, this is another set up chapter. I really wanted the group to finally get together. Also I wanted Trish and Jeff to have better encounter than the one that happen a chapter ago.

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