Chapter 13

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Haven't updated this book for a while, but guess ya go another chapter with 1000+ words.

A few weeks have passed and Lita learned to stop worrying as much about her friends, and ever since Trish and Jeff have been "official," Jeff's went from being emotional to physical. He was bumped to a more intensive unit, that focused on his behavior. He hated being in the facility more and more each day. Trish, Lita, and Ashley just left their rehab session. They met up with the Maria, Candice, and the guys except Jeff. "How was y'all session today. Punk asked and they all shrugged.

"It's like any other day, I'm tired of the same routine. We've be here for awhile I feel a lot better. I don't think we need to be here. I learn to cope with this place now I'm sick of it." Trish said and they all agreed. "Jeff still hasn't come out yet?" Trish frowned.

"Nope, he's been in there for 2 full hours." Candice stated as she was hugged up against Randy.

Lita looked over to Matt and waved him towards her. He got up and walked over. "Yeah?"

"Can I talk to you in private?" Lita asked. He nodded and they went over to an open area in the lobby. "Matt, I'm really worried about Jeff. Do you know why his behavior has changed this drastically?" Matt stared into Lita's brown eyes.

"Well, I literally can't say. Jeff has to tell you, he asked me not to tell anyone." Lita rolled her eyes at Matt's response.

"We're his friends, wait, let me back track, does Trish know about why he's acting the way he does." He shook his head no.

"Only me." Matt said

"She does have a right to know." Lita angrily stated .

"First, Ames calm down. It's not my fault that she doesn't know, let Jeff deal with their relationship. I'm not gonna get into the middle of the relationship. Just like you shouldn't." Matt said.

"Oh, okay. I get what you're saying, I get into the middle of relationships." Amy stated angrily.

"Since day one, you're always worried about the people Trish and Ashley date, when will you get a life."

"The same day you get one!" She yelled.

He laughed. "How about today?" She looked at him confused.

"What about today?" Lita asked as Matt smirked.

"What do you mean?" a confused expression went across her face.

"How about we start a life together?"

"Did you just ask me out?" Amy was still confused about the current situation. Then he nodded. "I guess, I don't know. Maybe." Matt placed his finger under her chin she continued to ramble and debate about the situation in her head. Matt brought his lips closer to Amy's. Matt kissed her and Amy was completely relaxed. She actually enjoyed what was going on. Matt pulled away and She was speechless. "Are we dating?" She asked.

"Yes Ames, we are." Both Matt and Amy gave each other another kiss and smiled at each other.

"Leave me the fuck alone!" Jeff yelled to the doctor.

"Mr. Hardy you need this."

"You've been trying to pumped this liquid shit into me each time I come. How will it benefit me?"

"Jeff, I'm recommending it to you, so you're going to take it." the doctor attempted to force it in him.

"No I won't, get the fuck away from me!" Jeff hit the doctor and fled from the room. Matt and Amy saw Jeff storm out of the room and they followed him.

"Where is he going?" Matt asked as he watched Jeff by passed the nurses near the front entrance.

"Mr. Hardy you're not able to go out that entrance." The nurse calmly said but Jeff didn't listen.

"Jeff?!" Matt yelled and Jeff turned around. This gave enough time for the security to come out and inject Jeff with something. Jeff passed out. "Jeff!" Amy screamed loudly, the whole facility was able to hear it.

Trish was worried, she knew that was Amy's voice, and apparently she heard what came out of it. "What happened?" Trish began to panic.

"Trish sweetie, it's fine don't worry." Candice attempted to calm her down but it didn't work.

Jeff woke up or so he thought. He was in a bed room, he saw no sight of the facility. He saw children, blonde haired and green and brown eyed children come into his bedroom. "Daddy!" They repeated, he panicked a bit as he thought of being called Dad. He looked over and Trish was laying in the bed next to him. That soothed him a bit. He still couldn't believe he had children with the love of his life. "Jeff! Jeff!" As he heard those words and the light began to go white.

"Jeff, are you okay?" Trish panicked. He squinted his eyes at the overhead light shined brightly.

"Where am I?" Jeff looked at all of his friends whom were surrounding the bed he was currently on.

"Jeff were still at the facility. You passed out and hit your head." John stated. As soon as John mentioned that Jeff felt his head began to hurt.

Trish walked over to Matt and asked him to step outside of the room. "What's up Trish?"

"Could Jeff stay in me and Amy's room tonight? I want to watch him, I want to be by his side."

"Trish I guess, he can. Jeff and Ames are swapping rooms just for tonight?" Matt asked as she nodded.

"Matt one other thing?" Trish bit her lip as she asked him.

"Yeah go ahead."

"Well Matt, I know that they injected him, but what caused him to lash out the way that he did. Is it my fault in anyway?"

"No, the lash out today, I don't know what happened but, the behavior change. He's scared, he just don't know how to handle things. He tried to control it around everyone, but he's an emotional mess. Don't ever think you're a problem, he adores you. You do nothing wrong in his eyes. Matt smiled in assurance towards Trish. "I'm glad we all met at this place. Honestly, he would not have made it through any of this with out you." He hugged her, then he parted ways and went back into the room. Trish grinned as she knew, Jeff real feelings towards her.
Hope ya enjoyed, if ya didn't I hope my next chapter brings you enjoyment. I hope that's not taken in a wierd way. I'm sorry for missed mistakes as always.

So yeah......
See ya in the Future

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