Chapter Ten

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"Matt, where's your head over heels brother?" Randy asked.

Matt shrugged. "He could be anywhere. You should check outside in the field"

"Okay, I will." Randy began to head the way of the outside.

Jeff was sitting on a massive rock outside painting. After the crappy week he had, all he wanted to do was relax. "Jeff!" Randy called out.

Jeff looked up and saw Randy coming towards him. "Yes." Jeff answered.

"Dude, I wanted to know what has been going through your head this week. You made your crush cry and had a mental breakdown." Randy stated.

"Like you said, a mental breakdown. I have a fear of committing, is that so wrong?" Jeff asked.

"I just want to know why, man I just want to help you out." Randy said with a look of concern.

"Randy telling you my problems won't fix anything. I'm still going to have the fear, the anxiety, and the pains. Plus if you want to know so bad ask Matt, because I'm tired of talking about it."

"Jeff, man come on. I've been here for you since I've been here. I was forced here too, no one wants to be here. I hate that are entire clique had problems in the past. I hate all these cool people had to meet here at this place. Jeff, but trust me, we need voice our problems now before they come back in the future in a uglier way."

Jeff looked at him. "Fine, I lost love ones." Jeff stated plainly.

"Jeff it's deeper than that, I know."

"Randy, why are you down my throat? I don't want to talk about it. My problem is my problem. Jeff got off the rock and pack up his stuff and began to walk away."

"I'm an addict." Jeff stopped and turned around. "When I was a teen, I was pretty dorky so I wanted to fit in. I smoked and drank. I was a complete bad ass, so I thought. My grades began to decline, I even dropped out. I was so addicted to alcohol, I once almost beat my girlfriend because I was so under the influence." Jeff just looked at Randy then Jeff turned around and walked inside the building. Randy follow him moments later.
Trish and Amy were laying down in their beds. "Ames, I love you. You're like a sister to me. I guess you were right, Jeff wasn't the guy for me."

Ames looked at her. "I told you so."

"Yeah, you did. I just have to face the fact I won't be loved." Trish huffed and looked at  the floor.

"Yes you will eventually. Just don't choose any other guys who are mentally unstable." Lita said.

Trish nodded. "Well Ames, how about you and Matt."

"Me and Matt what?" Amy asked.

"Y'all would be a pretty good couple." Trish smiled. Amy scoffed at the idea. "Well Ames I'm going to catch a few ZZZzz..... before our group meeting later on."

"Ok" Amy nodded. As Trish took a nap Amy though about her and Matt. "Would we work?...........Not even in my dreams." Amy laid down and took a nap as well.

Sorry Phenomenal_Creature Jrish still are not together. They will be soon, you can count on that.

After a long thought about it I realized I did not tell everyone background story of why they are in the asylum in the first place. That was dumb on my part so, the next couple or chapters or less will tell everyone else background.

Next what you are about to read is very, very, very IMPORTANT.

Please everyone keep the name Brother Nero relevant. Why? You may ask.....Because I love it. 😍😍

#Brother Nero😆
#Brother Nero😆
#Brother Nero😆

See Ya In The Future...............

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