Chapter 11

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Trish and Ashley just left their session of Rehab, Jeff walked up to them. "Um, hey, how was the rehab session?"

"It was cool, for a session." She looked at Trish, Trish was looking down. "Trish did make a confession though." Ashley smirked as Trish head immediately shot up.

"Shut up Ashley!" Trish rolled her eyes.

"What's wrong, it obvious that your feelings aren't going to change tell him." Ashley told Trish. Jeff was completely confused of the conversation.

Trish huffed. "Fine! Jeff can I talk to in private."

"Yeah, sure anything." Jeff followed her to the outside field.

"Jeff, I love you. I don't care what Lita thinks, I've been having reoccurring dreams. I want us to be together. You told me of your past, I will make this promise. I will never hurt you." Trish grabbed his hands and smiled sweetly at him.

Jeff stared at her. "I'm sorry Trish, but I don't know what to say."

"Then say yes." Trish kisses him. He stood there completely shock.

Jeff IT:
"Why am I not enjoying this, I like her a lot and she has the same feelings. She makes me the same way I was with Beth, maybe even better. Jeff forget about Beth, she's gone. She will never return."

She stared at Jeff, she noticed how Jeff had a frustrated expression his face. "What's wrong?" She asked as her face was full with concern.

"Trish, I'll talk to you later." Jeff attempted to walk away but Trish grabbed him. "You told me yourself what happened in your past. Jeff I'm here for, you don't have to keep running away." Jeff smiled as she told him that.

"Okay I guess, but if it doesn't wor—"

"Don't say that, it will." Trish assured him.

"I guess, your miss Nero." Jeff smiled.

"I guess." Trish smiled but then thought about it. "Who's Nero?"

"Oh, it's my middle name. I thought it sounded cooler than miss Jeff or Hardy." Jeff smiled.

"Well...yea I am." Trish smiled and Jeff brought her into a passionate kiss.

"Um what is this?" A female voice was heard a few inches from them.
There goes chapter 11, not a big fan of it but Jrish is together. Well, that's an accomplishment in my book. Yay!!!
Phenomenal_Creature told ya it was coming.

Sorry for any mistakes. Also I spent my day, watching Hardy videos from the Hardyz' YouTube channel. I loved it!!!

Well  anyway........ Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

The Good Side of Tragic EndingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora