You're the owl?

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"I'm the owl." he said. Bokuto gave him a blank look. "What?" Akaashi sighed. "Look away for a sec." Bokuto gave him a questioning look. "Uh what do you me-"

"Just do it."


Bokuto turned around. After a couple seconds he heard chirping, more like whoing. The same as the owl from yesterday. Bokuto walked over to the owl who was in the same spot as Akaashi was. "W-what the fuck?!" Bokuto picked up the owl. The owl whoed. Bokuto took the owl to his room and set him down on his bed. He scratched his head. "So, are you still hurt in your human form?" The owl flicked his head away from him and back in as suggesting for Bokuto to either leave or turn around. "Ok, I get it." he said as he turned around.

The owl had changed back into the human boy and after a couple second Bokuto turned around only to see Akaashi naked. Akaashi blushed. "HEY!! DON'T LOOK PERV!" Bokuto immediately turned back around. "I'm not even into guys." Bokuto said(we all know that's a lie). Akaashi got dressed using Bokuto's clothes, but yet again he only wore boxers and a shirt. "Dude, why don't you wear pants?"

"Because they feel weird. I only wear them in public because society and shit."

"How old are you anyways."


"Do you go to school? I don't think I've seen seen you at my school."

"Because I just spy out the window. I've seen you, you're either reading about owls, playing volleyball, or yelling all the time."

"Sounds like me."

"Anyways, I've always wanted to go to school but I could change at any time and I'd rather not change in front of people."

"Why not?"

"It's just, embarrassing, ok?" Akaashi blushed.

"Oh with you being all nak-"

"YES NOW SHUT UP." Akaashi blushed more.
"It's not only that it's that a literally shrink into an owl. If I start shirking in the middle of class that'd be weird. Also as I shrink, my clothes don't shrink so..."

"Oh, I get it. Hey so are you gonna answer my question? About how if you're hurt as a human, too?"

"Oh, yeah I am but it seems smaller." Akaashi showed Bokuto his arm. There is a long scratch stretching from around his elbow down to his wrist. "How did you do that?"

"I maybe might have, uh, got cut on a branch."

"We'll do you want to go to the doctor or vet? Or just have me do it?"

"I'd rather you take care of it. Because I've never been to the doctor's or vet and I don't really know if they will find something weird about me or something that would be wrong with regular people."

"But I don't know what to do."

"Please it hurts."


"Thank you."

Bokuto had some bandages that he got and he wrapped one around Akaashi's arms along with some cotton balls to make it soft. "Honestly I don't know what to do because I'm not a doctor but that's the best I can do."

"Thank you anyways."

The boys hung out for a bit, Akaashi was turning into an owl time from time but mostly the day was normal. Tomorrow was Monday, and Akaashi decided he would try school as a normal person.

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