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Akaashi woke up to a tapping on the window. He managed to escape Bokuto's grasp, leaving his warmth and feeling a bit sad he had to. Akaashi fluttered over to the window to see an owl not the far off from looking like him was tapping with its beak on the window. The owl was bigger than him, though, which made him think it must be an adult or something. The owl wrote something down and Akaashi couldn't understand all of it but the main thing was that it said "Let me in".

Akaashi wrote down "Meet at door" and the owl flew away. He tried to turn into a human and after thirty seconds of trying really hard he did it. He got on some clothes (but just some boxers and a shirt) and headed to the door. He was greeted by a woman. A very pretty woman at that. She had tears in her eyes and was holding her mouth while shaking. "Y-you're Akaashi Keiji, c-correct?" Akaashi nodded. The woman bursts S out in tears and hugged him. "Akaashi you don't know how much I missed you!" Akaashi was quite confused until he quickly put the pieces together. "M-mom?" He asked. "Yes." she replied, softly. He wrapped his arms around her. Sure, he had some doubts but he looked too much like her in human and owl form for them to not be related.

Bokuto woke up with all the commotion and saw a strange woman hugging his Akaashi. But Akaashi was in human form. "K-Keiji?!" Akaashi turned around to see Bokuto. "Hi Kotaro." Bokuto pointed to the woman who had just broken their hug and was standing next to Akaashi. "Who is this?"

"My mother."

"But I thought you didn't know your parents."

"I don't but she knocked on our window this morning and asked to come in."

"Keiji, she's a complete stranger."

"I know but she looks like me in human form and o-" Akaashi's mom covered his mouth. "Dear, don't tell him the other part." she whispered in his ear. Akaashi moved his mother's hand from his mouth and said "He knows."

"Oh. Ok then. But are you sure you can trust him."

"Yes mom, he's my boyfriend."

"B-B-BOYFRIEND?!" She yelled. Akaashi nodded. "Yes, he's my boyfriend and we are dating." Bokuto walked over to Akaashi and stood by him. "Mhm. He's my Keiji and I love him so much!" Akaashi blushed a little and placed a kiss on Bokuto's cheek which made Bokuto blush too. "Oh, I see. Well, anyways I'm so sorry I left you on your own. Your father and I were taken in for experimenting after being betrayed by our best friend for money. We couldn't trust anyone anymore so we just left you on your own. We figured it was better than you coming and being tortured and treated unkindly. I'm so sorry, sweetie. But it's all we could do..." Her voice cracked a little as she talked and she tried to hold back the tears but she couldn't. "K-Keiji. I-I've missed y-you so m-m-much." Akaashi hugged his mother. "It's ok, you did what you thought was best." Bokuto joined in the hug trying to comfort his boyfriend's mother.

After staying like this for a little while, Akaashi's mom stopped crying. "Thank you boys. I'm better now." She wiped her tears and gave the boys an obviously fake smile. "Anyways, is it ok if I stay here for a little while?" Akaashi looked at Bokuto. "Yeah! Id love to have you here! But I don't have a guest room, seeing as my house is so small. Is it ok if you sleep on the couch? Or I could sleep on the couch."

"No, no it's fine. The couch is fine, thank you." Bokuto walked to the kitchen. "I'll go ahead and make breakfast."

After breakfast, Bokuto had to go work. It was summer now so Bokuto had gotten a few part time jobs and had at most two a day. He had a couple of break days here and there but he wanted to make sure he had enough money for him and Akaashi when school started back up and he could only have one job. Akaashi's mom said she'd get a job too and help out with groceries while also saving for a house, so Akaashi was alone a lot. He used this time to try and read in owl form so when his boyfriend and mom came home he could be human and he could cuddle with Bokuto at night. Life was good and Akaashi's mom said she when she had days off she'd teach Akaashi about his owl/human situation. Tomorrow would be his mother's first day off.

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