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"Akaashi, get up." Akaashi's mom said to him. Bokuto had already left for work and today was the day his mother would explain his owl/human situation. Akaashi groaned a little, still being tired, but got up. Akaashi and his mother walked to the living room and Akaashi sat on the couch as his mother walked to the kitchen. His mom started making breakfast as she asked him about some things that he might or might not already know about his situation. "So, do you know how to turn into an owl and human?"



"Concentrate on becoming that being. Think and imagine how you look in that form then transform."

"Correct. Ok, so do you know the limit of being in these forms?"

"Limit? What limit?"

"I thought so. You have a limit, kinda, it's basically when you've been in one form too long so your body automatically makes you go into your opposite form. It does this so your brain won't forget what one form looks like. Because if you ever forget what you look like in one form, you can't change into that form."

"But wouldn't it be a good thing if I forgot my owl form? I mean, I'm a freak with i-"

Akaashi's mother had stopped cooking, because she was finished, and had ran out of the kitchen to give her son a hug. "You're not a freak. Who told you that? Was it your boyfriend? If he said that you shouldn't be da-"

"No it wasn't. Bokuto has been fine. It's me. I know I'm a freak because there is no one out there who is like this other than us."

"What do you mean? Do you not remember? You had a friend who was like us when you were a child. His mother and I were best friends ever since grade school. Do you not remember?"


"Ah, well it has been a long time. I suppose I could give his mother a call. I haven't talked to her ever since your father and I were taken away. Anyways lets co-"

"Where is father, anyways?"

Akaashi's mother froze. "Y-your f-f-father? Where is h-he?" Akaashi nodded. "Uh, um... Let's just continue out learning session."

"Ok." Akaashi didn't like fighting, so he wasn't going to push anything.

Akaashi's mother went back to the kitchen to finish breakfast, only putting it on plates. "Anyways, being in one form too long is kinda bad. That's basically all you need to know about that. Any questions?"

"Yes. Bokuto and I started doing it but in the middle I turned into owl form. Why is that? Also, we actually did it and completely did it but I was an owl for a week. How come?"

"Y-you d-d-did wh-what?" Akaashi realized the question he had asked and what he had told his mother and blushed. "Ah, I mean, you don't have to answer..."

"No. You should know because I ran into this same problem. At first I didn't know and I'm still not completely sure but I think our bodies turn into our owl form when we get too much pressure or pleasure in our human forms. I think it's a survival technique but I don't know what it could be used for. Other than being a pain in the butt while having sex."(yes I said pain in the butt on purpose as a joke XD)

"M-MOM!!" Akaashi's mom laughed at his reaction. "What? You don't wanna talk about sex with your mother? By the way how was it?"

"G-good... UH I MEAN, UH...." She laughed again. "Akaashi don't be embarrassed. Of course it's good, it's sex after all. Even if it's with the same gender, I bet it still feels good. Anyways, let's continue. Is there anything that you really want to know?"

"Yes. How can my body still function in a different species."

"Actually, I don't know that. I know a lot about our situation, I mean, at least the basics, but I don't know everything. Especially a complicated question like that. Not even the people who experimented on us can tell you that. Any more questions?"

"Yes. Where is dad?"

She froze again. "I... I'm sorry. I shouldn't hide if from you. Keiji," His mother saying "Keiji" made Akaashi scared because she doesn't usually do that, in the short time they've been reunited. ",your father is no longer with us...."

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