School Day pt. 1

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Bokuto had gone to sleep with Akaashi in owl form but woke up Monday morning with Akaashi in human form. Akaashi snored quietly which made Bokuto blush. Akaashi was also clung to Bokuto's arm and his head in his chest. Once Bokuto processes what was happening, he blushed more. "H-HEY HEY HEY! AKAASHI WAKE UP!" Akaashi opened his eyes and looked at Bokuto. 'B-Bokuto-San is blushing?' He realized why Bokuto was blushing and quickly let go of Bokuto's arm and backed up. "S-sorry. I got c-cold." he said as he blushed along with Bokuto.

"Well I'm going to get dressed." Bokuto started to leave. "Wait. I need a uniform." Bokuto threw some clothes at him. "Change into these for now and we can get a uniform at school."

"Ok." Bokuto started to leave again. "Bokuto-San."


"T-thank you."

"Oh, no problem."


Once they had gotten to school Akaashi got a uniform and Bokuto showed him around the school. "Now you won't have the same classes as me so you'll have to be on your own. But I think you'll be o-" Bokuto was cut off my a girl's squeal. A few girls ran over to Akaashi. "OH MY GOD! YOU ARE THE PRETTIEST MALE I HAVE EVER SEEN!" Akaashi smiled. "Is that a compliment?" Akaashi whispered to Bokuto. Bokuto shrugged. "I think it is." Akaashi looked back at the girls and smiled. "Thank you." The girls squealed again then the bell rang. "Ok b-" the girls looked around to see Akaashi was gone. They shrugged it off and hurried to class. "Akaashi?"

"Here." Akaashi was hiding.

"What are you doing?"

"That noise scared me. What does it mean?"

"It's called a bell and it means get your ass to class." Bokuto gave him a piece of paper with writing on it. "This is your schedule. Ok I'm off." Bokuto ran off. "B-but I can't read."

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