Owl Side

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Bokuto awoke to an owl by his side. He poked the owl and the owl shook it's head and opened it eyes. "Good morning, Akaashi!" The owl whoed. "Akaashiiii! Can you turn back into a human, please?" The owl shook it's head as if to say no. "Why not?" The owl lifted its wings up then down quickly as if it was shrugging. Bokuto sighed. "Ok, are you going to school?" Akaashi shook his head. Bokuto got ready and left Akaashi at home.

The whole day Bokuto stressed about Akaashi and wanted to check in on him but of course forgot to teach Akasshi how to work the home phone;or a phone in general. Akaashi tried flying, seeing as his wing was better, but didn't manage but to hover. He eventually got hungry and decided he'd look for something in the fridge. Opening it, however, presented a problem. For some reason he couldn't change back into his human form. 'I guess this is what happens when I'm a human for a day. But how come I can be an owl for longer without being forced back?' Akaashi didn't understand.

As Akaashi tried to fly to get to the handle he made it after his about 11th try. He clasped onto the handle with his beak and flied backwards. His wing was still a bit sore and hurt a little but he managed to fly. Unfortunately, Akaashi couldn't manage to open it. Eventually he gave up and went outside to actually hunt like a bird. He hated hunting but he'd rather eat than starve.


Bokuto walked through the door. "HEY HEY HEY! I'M HOME!" Bokuto only heard a moan from his room. "Keiji?" He walked to his room the find Akaashi in human form laying on his bed clinching his stomach. "Fooooood." Akaashi groaned. "Keiji, did you not eat?!"


"Why not?"

"I d-didn't turn back t-till just a moment ag-go."
Akaashi moaned again. "I need fooooood."

Bokuto quickly ran to the kitchen to get some food. He quickly prepared some insta-noodles and ran them back to Akaashi, blowing on them on the way back to his room. "Thank you, Bokuto-San." Akaashi are like a pig, even though he was an owl(lol). Akaashi hummed in delight. "Mmmmm! Thank you, Bokuto-San!"

"I'm just happy you're ok!"

"Is there anything I can do to repay you, Bo-"


"Sorry. Is there anything I can do to repay you, Kotaro?"

"A kiss?"

Akashi blushed. "A-a k-k-kiss?!?"

Bokuto nodded.

"F-fine." Akaashi leaned in slow as Bokuto smashed their lips together. Akaashi was surprised at the fast motion but leaned into the kiss. Bokuto bit Akaashi's lip, asking to enter. Akaashi opened his mouth as their tongues swirled around each other mouth. Again, leading into a make out session and moaning and groaning in their kisses.


"B-Bokuto?" The boys had pulled away from their kiss. "Yes?" Akaashi blushed. "I...I wanna...um..."
Bokuto cupped Akaashi's cheeks and pulled him into another kiss. "Me too." Akaashi took off his shirt while Bokuto did the same. Both started making out till Bokuto started leaving a trail of kisses down Akaashi's jawline, collar bone, then to his chest. Bokuto left a couple of hickeys on Alaashi's chest. As Bokuto did this, Akaashi let out a couple small moans and Bokuto thought it was the hottest thing ever. Once Bokuto found Akaashi's sweet spot, he made sure to leave a hickey or two there which made Akaashi groan a little louder. It felt so good to Akaashi.


Bokuto finally reached Akaashi's pants and started to unbutton them when Akaashi turned into an owl. Bokuto sighed and picked up the small owl. "Akaashiiiiii!!" he whined. The owl shrugged. Bokuto put his shirt back on and went to make dinner for when Akaashi returned to a human.

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