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Ok honestly I hate sadness so I'm not making anything too sad but yes, Akaashi's father is dead and it SUCKS CUZ...well you will see.

Akaashi's mother broke down, sobbing. "I-I'm so-sorry I didn't t-tell you K-Keiji. I j-just couldn't bring m-my-myself to tell y-you right away." Akaashi pulled his mother into a warm embrace. He started crying too. The thought of never meeting his father came into his mind. He had vague memories of his dad. He didn't remember how he sound or what he even looked like, but he remembers that his mom would work and his dad would take care of him. His dad taught him to do everything. To speak, walk, he even potty trained him. Akaashi remembers a happy childhood till one day he woke up as an owl, alone on the streets. Ever since then he's been alone. He remembers his dad was like his mom, basically. His mom was always working to get money to support both her boys. So Akaashi's father just stayed at home with Akaashi.

Now, both his mother and Akaashi were sobbing, recalling memories of his father. "D-do you r-remember your father any-ways?" Akaashi shook his head. "I have n-no memory of h-his looks nor h-his vo-voice but I do re-remember him taking car-re of me." Akaashi's mother clung to him more. "I'm so so s-so sorry I w-was never there for yo-you, Keiji." Akaashi's mother buried herself in Akaashi's chest, still sobbing. "It's o-ok mom."

"It's not ok! I l-left you with y-your dad, you never even re-really connected w-with me. Do you have a-any memories of me?" Akaashi tries to think about. But all he can seem to remember is the same thing happening every day, over and over when she came home from work.


"Hi mom! Welcome home!"

Akaashi's mother gave him a cold glare and went off to her chambers with no "Hello" or anything acknowledging his existence. Akaashi started to feel tears welling in his eyes. It was the same thing every day. He'd say "Hi" but his mother would ignore he was there. His father hugged him. "Don't cry Keiji. Daddy's here." Akaashi clung to his father. "W-why won't m-mommy s-see me?"

"She doesn't know how to express her love. She loves you too much and she gets so stressed about it she doesn't know how to express it."

Akaashi knew that didn't make any sense. He knew his father was lying. That's not how people act. He knew his mom hated him.


"Yeah. I remember, y-you hated me." Akaashi's mother sobbed more and louder. "I-I didn't, Ke-Keiji. I h-honestly loved y-you with all my h-heart. I was j-jealous of y-you. You got the whole d-day with your dad, a-and then he was so t-tired at night he forgot a-about me. We didn't cuddle, we d-didn't kiss, we n-never said 'I love you' and 'Goodnight' a-anymore because we were t-too tired. I was so jealous of you. Then, the scientists found us, after we were betrayed by o-one of our best friends. We h-hid you." Akaashi's mother breathed deep breaths so she could calm down and Akaashi's could understand her more. "You were asleep at the time, and boy you where a heavy sleeper!" She laughed, which made Akaashi smile. "After they took us, they searched the house but never found you. After that, we don't know what happened to you. I regretted so much. I regretted not spending time with you." She started crying again. "I r-regret not being y-your mom, Keiji. I'm so s-so sorry. I can't do anything n-now, though, can I-I?"

She lifted her head from his chest. Akaashi noticed her cheeks were streaked with tears. She gave Akaashi a small, warm smile and continued. "There is nothing I can do now that will make up for the way I treated you, and I don't expect you to forgive me. But I just want to let you know I'm here now, for what ever you need."

She wiped her tears and gave him a bright smile. "Whoo! All that crying made me hungry. How about I cook something?" Akaashi nodded. His mother leaped up from the couch and went to make lunch. Akaashi looked at the clock. Bokuto would be home soon.

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