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Akaashi was grateful for Bokuto. Akaashi barely was grateful for anything due to how his life was. His mom and father were gone from his life, so he had nothing to be grateful for.

Bokuto Koutarou, was like his knight and shining owl. Literally, like when he first saw Bokuto when he had injured himself, he thought that he was a human owl. Never in his life had Akaashi thought he was a masochist, but he was glad he got hurt because Bokuto wouldn't have found him. Bokuto had treated his wounds, making him feel better. When Bokuto had found out about him being an owl, to no surprise, he was freaked out. After all he was naked in his bed. But, Bokuto still decided to stay by his side. Akaashi was really glad that Bokuto had decided to stick by his side longer because if he hadn't, they wouldn't have become lovers.

When his mom had arrived, Akaashi never felt more relieved. After, he found out his father had died, he was sad but knew he needed to move on. Akaashi was glad his mom accepted him and Bokuto being together even though she would often tease him.

Akaashi was grateful to have met Kenma and Kuroo from Bokuto. They all got along well and Akaashi felt blessed to have his mom, two new friends, and a wonderful boyfriend.

Akaashi knew that a simple 'thank you' wasn't enough to show how grateful he is for Bokuto, so Akaashi had decided to use Bokuto's  #1 weakness. Owl puns.

Akaashi had decided to make a letter to Bokuto. He made sure to include as much owl puns as possible.

When Koutarou arrived home and shouted a "HONEY I'M HOME~" he was surprised to not hear a simple reply. "Akaashi...?" He said as he walked towards the kitchen and sighed when Akaashi wasn't there. But, he spotted a plate of meat with a letter saying 'eat this then open the letter'. Bokuto grinned as he said  "Itadakimasu" as he devoured the meat within 3 seconds, excited to open the letter Akaashi had written for him.  He opened it and read aloud-

"Dear Koutarou, my night and shining owl,
Thank you for everything you've done for me.

I didn't know what was happiness until you found me. I guess owl you need is love.

I'm not really one to express my feelings, but for who I'll do it.

Bokuto Koutarou, you're really hoot. Seriously you're a sexy motherhooter.

Owl be honest here and say that you're owl I need. If I didn't have you, owl be owl by myself and I wouldn't be a happy owl.

I love everything about you. I love howl loud you are, I love your cuddles, I love having sex with you, and owl be damned, but I love it when you're by my side in general.

Yowl always be number one in my heart and that won't change.

Thank you for everything.

Your sowlmate (I'm upstairs by the way)"

By the time Bokuto had finished the letter he was in tears and rushed upstairs to see Akaashi sitting on his bed with a warm, bright, genuine smile.

Akaashi then stood up from the bed and said "YOU'RE THE BEST HEY HEY HEY!" In tears of happiness. Bokuto then embraced him and said "I love you Akaashi... Owl owlways love you!" Both of them looked each other in the eyes before they closed the gap between them, interlocking their lips together as if the world didn't matter to them, because they only needed each other.

*squeals* Why am I squealing at my own fanfic you ask?
1.HaikyuuPieceOfTrash wrote it for me(thx)

Sorry for no more smut HaikyuuPieceOfTrash . But I love you fam ❤️ tysm for OWL your help. Yes I just did an owl pun. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this story! Tysm for reading!

~Otaku-chan 💖

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