Beyond Redemption

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The plot thickens.... ;3

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For the second time in two days, you woke up feeling dirty.

Memories of last night were still vivid in your mind, each touch and kiss permanently seared to your skin. Ven had left in the early morning with a quick kiss, like a ghost leaving as the sun rises. For a moment you wonder if it was all a dream, but no. The recollections are too intense to be a dream.

What was going on with you anyway? Befriending vampires, sleeping with your oldest friend...?

Maybe it was true what they say; if you live in Dover Hills for long enough, then you'll eventually descend into a life of darkness and sin.

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"Good morning!" Noctis calls out as you limp by his room. You come to a stop, peering over at the male. He isn't smiling, but he's watching you with an amused expression. "Long night?"

Your eyes widen, but his face shows nothing but lighthearted entertainment. He was kidding.

"No, I... fell," you lie as you step into his room.

"Cutting yourself, falling... You're just surrounded by trouble, aren't you Miss Webster?" he muses.

Oh, you have no idea...

"Maybe I am," you agree with a small smile as you perch on his desk. He's sitting in his wooden chair, and he leans back a bit as he studies you. "How is your case going?"

Noctis suddenly frowns as he takes off his reading glasses, placing them neatly on the desk beside you.

"It's very complicated, I'm afraid. I came to this town as a skeptic, but I'm starting to wonder if maybe there are supernatural forces alive in Dover Hills."

There's one sleeping in the room next to yours... I should know, he drank my blood.

"Oh, really? I wouldn't be surprised. The forest is haunted, you know," you tell him.

Noctis laughs lightly as he leans closer to you. One of his hands rests on the desk, dangerously close to your dress.

"That's what they say. Have you ever heard of vampires?" he asks.

"O-Of course. Who hasn't?" you counter.

His grayish eyes dart down to your wrist, and you immediately curse yourself. You had removed your bandage this morning and forgot to replace it. Before you can move, his hand darts out to yours, grabbing your wrist and pulling it towards his face.

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