The Allure of Darkness

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You sit up in bed, a harsh gasp escaping your lips as your eyes snap open. Shakily, a hand runs through your hair, trying to decipher your dreams from reality. A flash of silver, blood, death... A horrible, pained cry.

Quickly, you hop to your feet and march over towards the window on the other side of the room. You rest a hand on the glass, peering out at the forest below. The town is quiet, cloaked in the darkness of night.

Figuring it must have just been a dream, you return to your bed with a frown, wanting nothing more than to snuggle up into a warm chest and fall asleep listening to the steady beat of a certain someone's heart.

❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥

A few hours later, you were more than ready to get changed and get the hell out of your house. It was the last place you wanted to be as of late, a reminder of your old life and the future that can never be yours. As you hurry down your hallway, your gaze lands on a familiar dark-haired male sulking around by the doorway to his room.

"Good morning, Mr. Caelum!" you greet, waving a bit as you walk towards him.

His back stiffens, not glancing back at you; instead his gaze stays focused forward, inside of his room.

"Is something wrong?" you ask softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. He shies away from your touch, darting inside of his room as he turns to face you. His usually gentle eyes are now narrowed and distrusting. "Did I do something to upset you?" you press, taking a step forward.

He stays rooted to the ground, though his gaze doesn't soften whatsoever. He's still watching you cautiously.

"I found something very strange in the woods," he finally replies, walking over to his desk.

You step inside of his room warily, your heart racing. Did he figure it out? Could you or any of your new friends have carelessly left something behind?

"Here," he adds, thrusting a piece of paper in your face.

You hesitantly grab it, staring down at a reddish smudge on the pristine, white paper.

"Is that blood?" you ask, raising your eyebrows as you focus your attention back on him.

"No," he counters. "Lipstick, I found it on one of the bodies. I believe you wear the same shade, do you not Miss Webster?"

... Crap.

"No I don't believe I do. Mine is more pink," you scoff, tossing the paper back on his desk before glaring up at the male. "Just what are you accusing me of, anyway?"

Your hands are placed on your hips, doing your best to conjure a hurt expression. He sighs, rubbing his temple with his fingers as he clenches his eyes shut.

"I'm not accusing you of anything! I'm just... asking if you have a similar shade, so I can use it for reference."

It takes everything in you not to breathe out a sigh of relief.

"I just might. Stay here, I'll grab it."

You smile up at him before turning on your heel and walking out of his room. Just as you're about to walk into the hallway, a hand wraps around your wrist and pulls you back into a firm chest.

"I'm sorry if I upset you," Noctis murmurs in your ear, his warm breath warming your neck.

You shudder slightly into his touch, fighting off the urge to take a quick nip at his intoxicating skin.

"I-It's okay, Noctis. I over-reacted," you tell him, peering over your shoulder.

Oh God, the look on his face is enough to make you want to sink into his arms, forget about everyone else and give into temptation... Hating yourself for it, you lean up to kiss him on the cheek before rushing out of his room and into the hallway.

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