Day One

420 19 3

A/N: I call tomatoes fruit in this story because scientists determined that they're fruits... but I'm still convinced they're vegetables ^_^;

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After a quick lie to your parents about sleeping over at Naminé's house the night before, you find yourself keeping busy in the garden behind your home. Crops of tomatoes, berries, carrots, and peppers line your backyard with a sea of color.

Your undead self still enjoys bright colors, you note with a smile.

A woven basket rests beside you as you kneel in the middle of a tomato bush, picking the ripe fruits from their stems and tossing them into the basket. The sky above is dark and threatening rain, perfectly fitting your bitter mood. How does one adjust to a normal life after finding out they're a vampire, anyway? The desire to drain everyone you meet is horribly distracting, and next to impossible to ignore.

You're so wrapped up in your thoughts, you fail to notice the cloaked man walking towards you from the forest.

"You've really got to learn how to tap into your super-hearing," Vanitas' voice calls out from behind you, and you jump in surprise as you glance over your shoulder at the male. "You should have heard me coming from a mile away."

"Sorry, this is kind of new to me," you snap.

"Wow, touchy," he laughs as he slumps down next to you, his legs straight out in front of him as he rests back on his palms.

"I think I'm allowed to be," you retort.

"I suppose. But no one likes the sulking girl."

"Aren't vampires 'sulking' in nature?" you ask, looking over at the man. He's smirking, you note with a sense of irritation.

"No, not at all. Look at Zack, he's like an excitable puppy," Vanitas points out. "It just depends on your personality, I guess. My brother tends to be a little more brooding than most."

"And you? How do you act?" you press.

He shrugs before leaning closer to you.

"I dunno. You tell me."

His smirk widens as you roll your eyes, glancing away from him as you turn your attention back to the tomato bush before you. Your gaze hardens as one of his hands runs through your hair, brushing your locks back to reveal your neck.

"Why are you all so damn flirty," you complain, shooing his hand away.

He lets out a deep chuckle.

"We crave affection. Not that kind of affection," he clarifies as a dreamy smile grows on your face. "Hugs and kisses are nice, but there's nothing in the world like sex as a vampire."

You want to crawl in a hole and die as he laughs again, resting back on his hands.

"Man, you get flustered easily. Someone needs to break you in," he muses, throwing his head back so he's staring up at the cloudy sky. You glare at his figure, but he either doesn't notice, or doesn't care. "Do you want to know why I killed you?"

"It would be nice," you reply dryly.

"Your father and step-mother are killing off vampires around the world."

"Excuse me?!" you cry, eyes widening as he starts to smile.

"Well, I'm not certain yet, but I think I'm right. The Websters, your family, have a rich history of vampire hunters. Hunter's blood runs through your veins [Name], many vampires would want you gone out of revenge for their lost loved ones. The Zedler family fit into that category," he explains. You open your mouth to argue, but he quickly starts talking again. "It can't be surprising, you had to have realized something was off with that family."

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