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Your father is making his own, sharpened stakes.

There can only be one reason why he would engage in such an activity, and the prospect terrifies you. You knew that there were Hunters in your family, but not your father. He's always been the epitome of good-natured and kind, never seeming the type to stalk off into the night and hunt down vampires. What was he doing with stakes, anyway? Had someone been discovered?

"... Are you going to keep pacing?"

You glance over at Noctis, continuing to restlessly walk around your room as you do so. He's perched on your bed, eyes slightly narrowed as he watches you.

"Sorry. Is it bothering you?" you ask, finally coming to a stop.

The dark-haired male shrugs slightly, leaning back on his hands. An amused smirk is toying at his lips, not sure what to make of your demeanor.

"Not really. I just don't understand why you're so upset."

You release a sigh as you sit down beside him, burying your head in your hands. How can you explain something like this to him, without coming off as crazy or paranoid?

"You've been studying vampires lately, haven't you? With your case?" you remind.

You can feel Noctis' gaze on you, but you merely stare down at the floorboards beneath your feet.

"... Yeah. Why?"

"Isn't a wooden stake how you kill a vampire?" you press, peering up at him out of the corner of your eyes.

Noctis slowly sits up straight, his hands clasped together as they rest in his lap.

"Do you think your father's going after a vampire?" Noctis guesses with a raise of his eyebrows. "Or a group of them, judging by the amount of stakes in his room..."

"I have no idea. If that's the case, then it means that vampires are real," you muse, doing your best to sound confused and timid; your crippling fear of your father's wrath can't be revealed. "You've been right all along, Noctis."

You turn towards him, reveling in the small smile that's growing on his face. Well, at least he's satisfied with this turn of events...

"Maybe I should offer to help him, lend him my research. I'm sure he'll need my assistance, if monsters like that actually exist," Noctis responds, starting to stand up.

"No!" you cry, grabbing onto his arm and pulling back down. He shoots you a weird look, and you quickly start to smile. "I don't want you getting hurt, Noctis. I'm sure they're dangerous..."

Well, it's not entirely a lie...

He chuckles, resting a hand on the side of your face as he leans down to press his lips against yours in a quick kiss. You barely have time to respond before he pulls back and stands to his feet.

"That's a sweet sentiment [Name], but I didn't come to Dover Hills to stay in your bed. I have a case to solve."

You watch him with wide eyes as he marches out of your room. His boots can be heard clacking down the hall, towards the staircase, down the stairs...

Maybe Noctis has a death wish, but there's no way you're going to sit idly by while he embarks on a futile hunt.

It would only lead to the death of everyone you care about.

❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈

Your mind is running a mile a minute as you duck into the forest.

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