Life After Death

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A/N: FINALE~! Hope everyone enjoyed the series C: feedback is always loved and appreciated, especially because this series is very near and dear to my heart ;D

♥ Alex

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Death: it's a natural part of life, and yet it never gets easier to cope with a loss.

You lost your mother, but since you were able to say goodbye to her before her passing, you were at peace.

You lost your brother, mauled to death on Christmas Eve. You lost your father, his neck snapped right in front of you. But, since you were able to execute their killer, you were at peace.

You lost Ven, but since he was able to come back to you, you were at peace. He might be cursed to an immortal life as a monster, but at least he's still with you.

You lost Noctis, and there is no peace to be found. Within the next 24 hours, he will come back to life, and you will start your long journey coping with the guilt of transforming the kind and stoic detective into an abomination. Should you have just let him die...? No, you were selfish, and you weren't ready to say goodbye.

Only one thing will be able to alleviate your guilt, you realize with a frown as you tear yourself away from Noctis' lifeless body. You feel weak, shaky, nauseous with crippling pain, but you manage to glance over your shoulder, glaring at the smirking figures behind you.

"Why did you shoot him?" you ask, your teeth practically gritted together.

"My hand slipped," Sephiroth mocks with a shrug.

You scoff, turning your attention back down to Noctis. He looks so peaceful, it's strange to think that he'll be alive again in hours. Your head is spinning, plagued by Hayner, Noctis, and your father's lifeless eyes. You would fight and avenge them, even if it meant your demise. Slowly and carefully, you crawl to your feet. Your wounded knee buckles slightly, but you're able to hold your balance as you turn around to face Sephiroth and Leblanc. Your hand is clutched behind your back, fingers fiddling with Roxas' pistol. There's only enough for three shots, you need to be quick and precise.

"Do you really think you're faster than me?" Sephiroth muses as he takes a step towards you. "You forget we outnumber you. And that your lovely step-mother is a powerful witch."

Your eyes widen, your grasp on your gun loosening. She is...?

"I think you surprised her," Leblanc teases, a smug smile on her face.

"You're right, she's never been the smartest tool in the shed," Sephiroth agrees, stopping in front of you. His arm shoots out, his fingers squeezing around your neck. Frantically, you drop the gun and grab at his wrist as he lifts you off of the ground and into the air. "Without your daddy and your meddling little friends, you're really nothing special, are you? I could squash the life out of you, right now."

His grip tightens, and you gasp desperately for air. You try to kick your legs out to hit him, but you can barely move; your body is in shock. Your gaze drops to Noctis for a second as your mind grows fuzzy, refusing to meet the furious gaze of Sephiroth any longer.

A rattled cry suddenly rings through the air, and you glance up in the direction of the noise. A long blade is sticking through Leblanc's chest, right where her heart is. She falls to the ground, revealing Roxas standing there, a bloodied sword clenched in his hand. Slowly, he cracks his neck, a small smirk on his face as his gaze darts over to Sephiroth.

"I think your witch is dead," Roxas states dryly.

The grip on your throat is loosened, and you collapse to the snow in a heap. Cool air enters your throat, and you take deep breaths of air.

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