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Zack is sexy.

It might be blunt to say this, but it's true. The way his dark hair falls over his face, his electric blue eyes, the sly smirk that grows on his face when he catches you staring at him... It's impossible to not fall under his charms and into his waiting arms, giving you protection from a new and scary world.

Noctis, on the other hand, is a gentleman is all senses of the word.

He's intelligent, slightly snarky, and has a profitable career. Not to mention those looks that would make any girl swoon, his mysterious demeanor, the rare moments of intimacy he's shared with you... You find yourself drawn to him, for it's obvious that under his stoic exterior is a gentle and kind heart.

And Ven... Sweet Ven.

He deserves so much better than you, the girl gallivanting with three different men in the darkness of night. It can't be denied that you've cared for the man for over a decade, and he makes you feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. Your first love, offering you the promise of a happy life.

... but what can be done when you're an immortal creature, not able to offer two mortals the life they desire?

All of this and more runs through your mind as you lie beside Zack, trailing your finger down his exposed arm. Sometime during the night you must have moved to the bed, but you cannot for the life of you remember when. The night is a blur of limbs, touches, feverish kisses... The memory causes your cheeks to flush as you bury your head in your pillow, unable to look at him anymore.

"You're awake?" his groggy voice calls out, and you peer out from under your arm to see his bright blue eyes staring down at you.

"Y-Yeah," you mutter, turning over slightly so you're facing him. Your body aches. "Good morning."

"Morning," he murmurs, trailing off into a yawn.

"How'd you sleep?"

"I didn't really... Remember?" he teases with a coy smirk, cupping your face in his hands as he drags you closer to him. His lips press against yours, one of his hands lightly trailing down your neck as he pulls away. "I'm gonna get going, though. We need to start brainstorming on how to save your life."

"What do you mean?" you ask, sitting up slightly as Zack sticks his arms into the sleeves of his white, button-up shirt. He starts to fasten the buttons, glancing over his shoulder at you.

"Do you really think Sephiroth is gonna stop just because you no longer have hunter's blood? Vampires are dropping dead all around the world, and the source of that power is coming from here, Dover Hills."

He starts to slip his pants on, and you avert your gaze to the ceiling out of embarrassment.

"You need to eat," he tells you, and you glance over at him. Thankfully he's fully clothed.

"Yeah, I'm sure breakfast is waiting downstairs."

"No, I mean... eat. You're looking pale."

"Oh..." you mutter, holding the blanket to your chest as you sit up in bed. "Yeah, I guess I'll find someone...?"

Zack laughs, leaning over the bed to give you a quick kiss. His lips hover over yours for a second before he starts to smirk, pushing himself back onto his feet.

"Roxas should still be in the forest, he usually hunts in the morning. Go find him."

You nod and smile, watching as the tall man walks across your room and hops out of your window, presumably landing on the ground below with ease. Sighing loudly you flop down on your bed, pulling the covers up over your head as you ask yourself just what the hell is going on with your life.

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