The Pieces Fall Into Place

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The night's sky in Dover Hills is dark, darker than usual. The chatter of happy party-goers floats into the eerily quiet sky outside, a startling contrast. It's almost as if there are two different worlds, the inhabitants of the house who are brimming with life, and the dead silence outside where death and destruction reigns.

Lifeless green eyes are focused towards the forest in the distance. Blood is pouring from two small wounds on the young man's neck, soaking his otherwise pristine tuxedo. Two figures are standing over the male's body, staring down with unemotional gazes.

"We should have seen this coming," Roxas mutters with a shake of his head.

"We did. Just... not on Christmas Eve," Vanitas points out.

The younger blond sighs, bending down as he grabs Hayner's arms.

"Help me move him. If someone sees his body... we'll lose our opportunity."

Vanitas nods in agreement, striding forward and grabbing your older brother by the legs.

"This might be our most morbid act yet," Roxas muses as they haul his body behind a small shed in your backyard, tucked away near a tall lemon tree.

"All families bond in different ways, brother," Vanitas jokes with a small smirk.

Roxas releases a small laugh as they gently set Hayner down on the ground, his back resting against the side of the shed. His head has fallen to the side, hanging limply.

"[Name]'s the only Webster child left. We need to watch her carefully," Roxas speaks up, his gaze locked on Hayner's body.

A small laugh rings out behind the two brothers, and they both glance over their shoulders to spot a tall, silver-haired man behind them.

"Good luck getting past me," Sephiroth mocks with a tilt of his head, an absolutely wicked grin on his face. "I'm afraid our feud will end... tonight."

❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥

Vanitas and Roxas disappeared a long time ago from the party.

Hayner's been gone for an even longer amount of time. Probably hiding outside and throwing up from the excess of champagne and scotch.

You barely noticed, however, transfixed on the grinning redhead before you, his hand clasping yours as he spins you around the small dance floor. Axel's arm wraps tighter around your waist, holding you close as he nuzzles his chin against the top of your head.

"Y'know... I feel human right now."

You glance up at the male, eyes slightly widened by his words.

"You... do?" you ask slowly.

He nods, smiling as he leans down to peck your forehead.

"Kind of, yeah. It's not very often the undead get to dance with such a beautiful woman."

"Stop," you complain, burying your reddening face in his shoulder. "You're embarrassing me."

You can hear him chuckle lightly as his arm gently strokes your back, his fingers leaving a hot trail in their wake.

"I'm not going to apologize, because it's true."

You pull back slightly to stare up at him, rolling your eyes lightly as he smirks down at you. Your gaze is drawn away, towards the foyer of your house. A certain dark-haired male is walking inside, chatting idly with your father.

"Hey, I'll be back," you tell Axel, gently patting his cheek as you pull free from his grasp, shooting him a smile before walking through the crowd.

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